Two weeks before the Olympics, Beijing wakes up to snow – Liberation

Beijing 2022 Winter Olympicsdossier

The very dry climate of the Chinese capital makes snowfall unusual in the city center. The Olympic Games (February 4-20) will thus largely depend on artificial snow.

The city of Beijing woke up Thursday covered in an unusual white blanket of snow, as the Chinese capital prepares to host the Winter Olympics in early February. The temperature dropped to -9 degrees in the early morning, making it difficult for people to travel to work by car, metro, scooter or bicycle.

A thin layer of snow dusted the roads, buildings and Olympic venues in this great city of nearly 22 million people.

While average temperatures drop below freezing during the winter months, the climate is very dry in Beijing, making snowfall in the city center unusual. The Olympic Games (February 4 to 20) will thus largely depend on artificial snow. Competition venues use automated snow cannon systems that control air temperature and humidity to maximize production.

The organizers assure that the cannons are powered by renewable energy and will not damage the local ecosystem. According to them, the water used will also return to the surrounding reservoirs when the snow melts in the spring.

In the run-up to the Beijing Games, the government has launched a campaign to promote winter sports in recent years. It has led to a great wave of construction of ski resorts, which attract millions of new practitioners.



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