Bilecik U-14 2022/01/2021-a-historic-year-for-the-alba-shuttle-badminton-www-ideawebtv-it/” title=”2021: a historic year for the Alba Shuttle Badminton –”>basketball Men’s Provincial Championships Bozuyuk Municipality Education and Sports Club became the champion.
While the athletes struggled for the championship in the group where 4 teams competed, Bozüyük Municipality Education and Sports Club won the provincial championship at the end of the matches.
Bozüyük Municipality Education and Sports Club Basketball Teams, which succeeded to be the first in the province with their successful performances, received their medals and cups from the Provincial Basketball Representative Aziz Torun. Bozüyük Municipality Education and Sports Club will represent Bilecik in the group qualifying competitions of the Turkish Basketball Championship, which will be held in Kırklareli on February 8-12.
Last update: 25.01.2022 12:35