Putin & his big dream: The rule of thumb with hypersonic missiles

As a Leningrad street boy, but also as a KGB secret service agent, Putin must have become familiar with the myth of the double murderer Raskolnikov early on. Both believe that they are solely committed to the maxims of a higher idea – regardless of morality.

In 1971 Vladimir Putin (below) was still throwing small throws in his Leningrad judo school – today his militant dream of Greater Russia keeps the whole world in suspense.

Str / EPA

Important men in history are allowed to kill and have them killed, said Dostoyevsky’s hero Raskolnikov in Vladimir Putin’s hometown of St. Petersburg. Their successes prove these men right, nobody asks the victors about their morals. They allow people to kill or kill themselves – in the interest of the state or for a “higher” idea, as pursued by Napoleon.



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