These three women from Chartres are taking part next month in the raid of the Amazons!

These three women from Chartres are taking part next month in the raid of the Amazons!

Charlotte, Sandy and Tiphanie have two things in common. They live in the Chartres conurbation and will embark on the Amazon raid. The event takes place from March 13 to 23 in Sri Lanka. The mornings will be devoted to sport, the afternoons to humanitarian activities.

How did the idea to participate in this raid come about?

Charlotte Barthélémy and her partner, Maylis Carme, from Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) decided on New Year’s Eve 2019.

Sandy Dicara and Tiphanie Jeanne had the idea two years ago and were to participate in the 2020 edition which has been postponed several times due to the Covid. “ I had heard about the event on social networks and, later, I saw a patient (the two women work at the Institute of Diabetology and Nutrition of the Center in Mainvilliers) who was wearing a race T-shirt, what she told me convinced to participate. I then found the arguments to encourage Tiphanie to follow me. »

A diabetes clinic in Mainvilliers, unique in France

How long have the pairs known each other?

“I have known Maylis for fifteen years through our spouses. We are similar in terms of character and physical activities, ”says Charlotte Barthélémy.

Charlotte Barthélémy, from Barjouville participates with her Marseille teammate, Maylis Carme in the raid of the Amazons, from March 13 to 23, in Sri Lanka.

Sandy and Tiphanie are nurses in the same department, they rub shoulders twelve hours a day and train together.

How to prepare on a sporting level?

Sandy and Tiphanie run and cycle together and a member of Sandy’s family coaches the girls in archery.

Sandy Dicara, from Chartres and her teammate, Tiphanie Jeanne, from Lucé are participating in the raid of the Amazons, from March 13 to 23, in Sri Lanka.

Charlotte has been going to a gym for years but sees little of her teammate who lives in Marseille.

How to finance his participation?

Both teams have appealed for sponsorship. Charlotte and Maylis have received funding from the city of Barjouville. Tiphanie and Sandy are supported by Novo Nordisk and their colleagues, among others.

What associations do they support?

Charlotte Barthélémy and Maylis Carme represent Avec Gabin (a young boy with Down syndrome treated in Belgium).

140 hikers for the benefit of the “Avec Gabin” association

Sandy Dicara and Tiphanie Jeanne have joined forces with Dia diet, an association founded by one of their colleagues which helps diabetics achieve sporting feats.

Eure-et-Loir. They are ten young Eurelian women to participate in the Amazon raid. In addition to Charlotte Barthélémy, Sandy Dicara and Tiphanie Jeanne, there will be Audrey Ghipponi, Océane Gautier, Pauline Dubois, Élise Chauveau, Émilie Darreau, Élodie Levalleur and Émeline Feuilleuse.

Aurelie Chupin



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