And the tickets? They investigate CONADE for loss of 377 million pesos

And the tickets?  They investigate CONADE for loss of 377 million pesos

* Ana Gabriela Guevara and the agency will have to justify to the ASF the payment of services performed in 2019 with money from 2020

February 22, 2022 by Editorial

Diversion of funds in CONADE? The management of Ana Gabriela Guevara at the head of CONADE faces a new scandal. The report of the Superior Audit of the Federation on the 2020 Public Account reported that the Commission could not justify the expenditure of 377 million pesos.

CONADE made direct award contracts for 44 million 647 thousand pesos for services. On the other hand, 12 million 226 thousand pesos do not have documents that prove the expense; 8 million are found in tax receipts that were canceled and 1 million 242 thousand pesos were spent on computer equipment not located.

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“(The Commission) Formalized contracts without having budgetary sufficiency; Likewise, it signed contracts with a moral person, without verifying that it had its own autonomous legal personality,” the Audit indicated in its report.

Guevara at a press conference

The second part of the review focuses on the extinct Fund for High Performance Sports (Fodepar). In that line, the figure to be clarified is 97 million 492 thousand pesos. 30 million 458 thousand pesos, intended for federations and athletes, could not be verified. While 67 million 34 thousand pesos were not reimbursed to the Treasury of the Federation.


With record information

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