the explanation of the director of the Gazzetta dello Sport

the explanation of the director of the Gazzetta dello Sport

Numerous the wait to be considered after the victory of Naples at the Olimpico against the Lazio: in the center of the criticisms in the last few hours she has entered it The Gazzetta dello Sportwho preferred one cover in black and white colors, side Juventusrather than dedicating it to the Azzurri’s victory in the capital.

As stated above, The Gazzetta dello Sport he preferred to avoid the Naples in the center of the first pagepreferring to the Azzurri a market news regarding the Juventus. The director, Stefano Barigellihe preferred to do clarity a Channel 8during transmission The beauty of football:

Front page Gazzetta dello Sport

La Gazzetta “ignores” Napoli on the cover: the reason

Why did we give Juventus more space than Napoli on the front page? I know the Neapolitans got very angry, but me I have nothing against the Neapolitans. We know the our audience is mainly made up of Inter fans, AC Milan fans and Juventus fans. Consequently we know their tastes. The readers of the Gazzetta dello Sport mostly follow the teams from the North: we know this because, even going online, we have the pulse of the situation.

But this does not mean that he wants to ignore the merits of Napoli, on the contrary. To me the team of Luciano Spalletti is very nice and I am convinced that the first place is deserved. The blues are strong and can easily play for the title until the end”.



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