Thirteen podiums at the category championships for the Roccolo Archers

Thirteen podiums at the category championships for the Roccolo Archers

The Archers of Roccolo di Canegrate also participated in the Para Achery championship.

Thirteen podiums in total for the Archers of Roccolo di Canegrate who participated in the Italian and European Championships from 24 to 27 February 2022.

The excellent test of the archers

26 competing archers followed by 5 technicians, 13 on the podium in the Class Championship. These are the numbers of Arcieri del Roccolo ASD of Canegrate on the longest and most important shooting line in Italy and Europe in the sheds of the Rimini Fair.
Once again the medals won in this Championship by our athletes testify to the desire to participate in the most important sporting events, even more so now that we are trying to get out of the emergency situation, waiting for the strict guidelines of the sport to be relaxed. they have also made it possible to continue sporting activities during all phases of the pandemic.

Four teams from Roccolo on the field on Friday for the compound arch with 6 women and 6 men. Senior and Master in women and Senior and Junior in men.
– Team Archers of Roccolo
Junior male Castelli Leonardo, Borsani Matteo and Carthage Edoardo
Female Master Toaiari Laura, Lavazza Laura and Cantoni Barbara
Senior male Randazzo Fabio, Vaglietti Flavio Rolf and Cerlenco Marco
Senior female Grilli Eleonora, Fermini Valeria Giacomina and Langianese Ilaria

At the end of the qualifying competition for the class championship, the team in the women’s master made up of Toaiari, Lavazza and Cantoni wins the Bronze medal, a Bronze medal also for the Junior male team made up of Castelli, Borsani and Cartagine.

The Arco Olimpico competitions

Eleven archers from the youth sector in the pupils and junior categories and 3 for the senior category, for a total of 4 teams, on the shooting line of the Saturday qualifying match reserved for the Olympic arc.
Team Archers of Roccolo OL
Junior male Borsani Matteo, Valassina Mattia, Scolieri Lorenzo and Falciani Gioele.
Male students Alfano Riccardo, Zaffaroni Mattia and Castelli Riccardo
Female students Crespi Gaia, Tunesi Alisia and Gambini Rebecca.
Senior male Gazia Michael, Dal Lago Luciano and Bottoni Paolo

The performances of our archers in the youth sector were very satisfactory and in particular the conduct of the qualifying match by Alfano Riccardo who won the Silver for the Allievi category and reached 28 place out of 321 athletes competing in the Absolute classification. Pleasant and surprising result for the Bronze medal won by the Allievi female team led by the veteran Crespi together with fellow Tunesi and Gambini on their debut in an Italian Championship race. The junior men’s team made up of Borsani, Valassina and Falciani wins the bronze medal in the Class championship. The performance of the male Allievi Team, Alfano- Zaffaroni – Castelli, was also very good, finishing the team qualification race in 5th place out of 10. The final qualification for the Absolutes sees Team OL del Roccolo, made up of Alfano Borsani and Gazia , settle at the 10th
position out of 33 teams in the ranking.

Italian Indoor Para Archery Championships

For the Macerata championships that took place from 29 to 30 January 2022 Bronze medal for our Cekaj ​​Kelmend (Archers of Roccolo) with 557 points, second place for Giampaolo Cancelli (Archers Voghera – Paralympic Games London 2012, Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020) with 564 pt. and class title for Matteo Bonacina (Archers of the Alps, – Paralympic Games Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2021) with 580 points. Having conquered the 3rd place on the Italian podium, alongside 2 sacred monsters of the National Paralympic team, testifies to Kelmend’s tenacity and great desire to play sports to redeem his disability. Tenacity and great will that we have learned to appreciate over time.
Cekaj, disabled due to an accident in 2004, has dual Italian-Albanian nationality. His roll of honor is significant, considering that he started practicing this discipline in 2016. His victories: 2018 senior team compound, Italian champion para archery compound 2018 overall, Italian champion para archery compound seniores indoor 2019, Italian 2019 indoor absolute archery compound archery compound. He has participated in the World Championship in ‘s-Hertoghenbosch in Holland and in 2021 at the European Championships in the Czech Republic to try to qualify for the Tokyo 2020 Para Olympics. Resident in Legnano and currently unemployed, he is looking for a job and support from sponsors with the aim of aiming for the next Olympics.



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