This was the day in the Asturian Preferential: chips and results

This was the day in the Asturian Preferential: chips and results

A. L.


The defeats of Ribadedeva and Racing de La Guía condemn them to relegation four days from the end of the regular League in Regional Preferred. Neither of them has any chance of getting out of the last four places in their group and, therefore, next season they will be First Regional teams. Avilés Stadium, meanwhile, was surprised at home by Andés and that has cost them the lead in favor of a Lugones who beat Racing de La Guía and with whom they are level on points. In group 2, Astur got a victory that allows them to recover the second place in the classification that Condal had snatched from them on Saturday with their clear victory (2-5) against Vallobín.

Berrón, fourth, and Valdesoto, leader, drew goalless at Sergio Sánchez.

You can 4

Gozón       2

Podes: Menen; Capi (Gatuso, min. 70), Quinos (Alonso, min. 61), Miranda, Fanjul, Busti, Borja (Dani, min. 75), Pajares, Javi (Jorge, min. 70),_Chus (Espina, min. 66) and Diego.

Gozon: Martin; Ramón, Esteban, Aladín, Pelayo, Requejo, Ángel, Orselli (Pedro, min. 78), Borja, Raúl (Nico, min. 78), Benito.

Goals: 0-1, min. 9:_Pelayo, from a penalty. 1-1 min. 27:_Diego. 1-2 min. 44:_Pelayo. 2-2 min. 47:_Diego. 3-2, min. 50:_Pajares. 4-2, min. 60:_Diego. 4-3, min. 90:_Requejo.

Referee: Agoultim Boumater (Oviedo). He admonished the locals Pajares, Busti and Jorge, and the visitors Raúl, Pedro and Requejo.

Buylla: Good entry.

Jorge Castro

You can (Gozón)

Podes prevailed in a fast-paced derby in which the visitors took advantage of their chances in the first half to go ahead at half-time. After the restart and in just ten minutes, first Diego and then Pajares put the locals ahead. In minute 60, Diego sentenced and signed a triplet.

Nava Europe 2

Magdalena Morcin 3

Europe: Abraham (Sergio, min. 46); Varela, Llamas (Charly, min. 65), Pule, Miguelín, Dani, Ernesto, Oli (Omar, min. 46), Valdés (Cardín, min. 74), César, Mario, (Varela, min. 46).

Madeleine: Nico; Dani, Nicolás, Viti, Sergio, Luismi, Kevin (Máximo, min. 48), Dani García, Khasanov, Ayala and Yarati.

Goals: 0-1, min. 9: Sergius. 1-1 min. 22: Polish. 1-2, Dani: min. 36. 1-3, min. 70: Nicholas. 2-3 min. 89: Cesar, from a penalty

Referee: Jimenez Lopez. The visitors Ayala (min. 58) and Pablo (min. 89) were expelled. He admonished the locals Llaves, Oli, César and Lamuño, and Luismi, Sergio and Máximo.

Municipal of Nava: 109 spectators.

It must


Very even match, marked by the expulsion of Ayala.

lugons 1

Racing Guide 0

Lugones: Doldan; Jorge Amez, Diego Mon, Borja, Raúl, Gardel, Cris Velez (Juan, min. 68), Ángel (Yeray, min. 86), Huerta (Lucas, min. 74), Basualdo (Jorge Marzo, min. 80) and Chus._

Racing The Guide: Ivan; Luis, Sordo, Nico, Javi (Xosé, min.76), Hugo, Richi, Mario, Adrián (Lucho, min.66), Acerete and Raúl (Díaz, min.81).

The goal: 1-0, min. 25:_Chus.

Referee: Suárez Simón (Avilés). He admonished the local Mon, and the visitors Nico, Hugo, Xosé and Díaz.

Santa Barbara: 100 spectators.



A match controlled from start to finish by Lugones, where the chances were for the locals. Although, only Chus was able to score._Racing de La_Guía, went down.

Astur 4

Serum 1

Astur: Muddy; Dani (Robla, min. 74), Roman, Gelu, Avendaño; Víctor (Samu, min. 80), Losada (Garri, min. 67), Sinchi, Aser, Dennisse (Nacho Victorio, min. 67) and Diego (Cristian, min. 73).

Siero: Oscar; Acebedo, Cavia (Riki, min. 61), Álex, Patón; Mamadou (Lolo, min. 73), Edu, Coto (Fede, min. 54), Marcos, Pinteño, Juan.

Goals: 0-1, min. 2: Alex, from a penalty. 1-1 min. 16: Diego, from a penalty. 2-1, min. 21: Asher. 3-1, min. 59: Dennisse. 4-1, min. 74: Victor.

Referee: Iglesias Alcantarilla (Gijón delegation). He booked the local coach, Jaime Leiva, and the visitors Mamadou, Marcos and Riki.

Llana Brothers: 50 spectators.

Javier Areces


Astur came from behind Siero’s initial goal and continues in the fight for promotion.

Saint Claudius 0

Candas 2

Saint Claudius: Rodrigo; Pelayo (Adri, min. 65), Josín (Chema, min. 86), Guille, Álex, Jaime, Esteban, Bujanda (Bango, min. 77), Miki, Litos (Sergio, min. 46) and Costel (Sergio Is , minute 46).

Candás: Manu, Santi, Charly, Aitor, Miguel, Queipo (Mesa, min. 63), Abraham, Zapico, Vale (Koke, min. 57), Enol and Yago (Iglesias, min. 49).

Goals: 0-1, min. 31: Iago. 1-1 min. 42: Iago, own goal

Referee: Ordonez Suarez (Nalon). He expelled the visitor Enol (min. 84). He booked Jaime, Álex Cordero and Bujanda, and the visitor Santi.

J. Ramón Suárez Fernández: Weak entry.

Pepe Gate


Astur is still in the fight for promotion after beating Candás.

Avilés Stadium   0

Andes 3

Stadium: Menes; Javi (Diegui, min. 59), Néstor (Manu, min. 45, Luca, min. 70), Ángel, Barro, Chop, Nahuel (Mass, min. 45), Jairo Arobes, Aramo, Pico and Rodri (Pablo, min 70).

Andes: Topy; Álex Lanza (Enol, min. 64), Cristian (Saúl, min. 81), Varela, Simón, Pedro, Pablo (Sergio, min. 90), Juan F. (Luiña, min. 57), Manu (Javi, min. 90), Juan G. and David Marcos

Goals: 0-1, min. 7: Manu. 0-2, min. 14: John G. 0-3, min. 69: Manu.

Referee: Arguelles Castañón (Oviedo delegation). He admonished local Jairo Arobes and coach David Francon, and visitors Cristian, Pablo, Juan F., Luiña and Enol.

Wall of Zaro: 240 spectators.

Jose Ignacio


Andés rout in a bad defensive morning at the Stadium.

Tineo         1

Barcia 2

Tneo: Guillermo;_Omar, Quini, Noé, Miguel (José, min. 68), Cantora, Navelgas (Renato, min. 62), Carrete, Jordi, Prida and Aarón (Fernández, min. 76).

Barcia: Escudero;_Bouso, Neck, Hugo, Luis, Iván, Manu (Lastra, min. 81), Colunga, Samba, Ibra_(Mamé, min. 25) and Pelayo.

Goals: 1-0, min. 46: _Aarón. 1-1, min. 48: _Samba. 1-2, min. 51: _Manu.

Referee: Iosif Lanculescu (East). He admonished the local Omar, and Luis, Manu and Pelayo.

Sergio Menéndez: 75 spectators.



Barcia’s victory in a closely contested game, with chances for both, in which the visitors were more successful.

Berron 0

Valdesoto 0

Berron: Marcel; Ñica (Emilio, min. 74), Miguel (David, min. 74), Pablo, Fañez, Andrés Barrera, Raúl (Piki, min. 83), Mortera (Adrián, min. 76), Rubén Montequín, Juli and Pol ( David Baragaño, minute 62).

Valdesoto: Roberto Perez; Miguel Peña, Robert (Lucas, min. 80), Puma, Álex Hornas, Hani, Viti (Adri, min. 90), Carlos Peña (Aitor, min. 85), Pelayo_(Saso, min. 67), Dani_Méndez (Pablo , min. 90) and Gito.

Referee: Centeno Fernández (Oviedo). He ejected in the min. 89 to Álex Hornas with a double yellow. He admonished Mortera and Juli, and Robert, Puma, Jito, Hani and Saso.

Sergio_Sánchez: 600 spectators.



Equality reigned between the first two classified.

Tapia         2

Blimea       0

Wall: Lawns; Alejandro, Bruno, Alfredo Álvarez (Víctor López, min. 60), Cotarelo, Cuervo (Mariñas, min. 87), Fanjul, Manu_Gion, Borja (Sanjurjo, min. 78), Aaron (Barcia, min. 46) and Modesto.

Asturias from Blimea: Olmo Maroto; Enol Durán (Arias, min. 63), David Santiago (Pelayo, min. 75), Sergio Noriega, Valencia, Valdés (Alfredo, min. 53), Camblor, Borja Fernández (Mario García, min. 63), Iván Fernández ( Antuña, minute 70), Sergio Álvarez and Belar.

Goals: 1-0, min. 57:_David Santiago, at his own goal. 2-0, min. 75:_Barcia.

Referee: Estrada Ballesteros (Oviedo)._Admonished Alejandro, Mariñas Víctor López, and Alfredo_Suárez and Camblor on the local side.



El_Tapia wins a disputed duel.

Trade Union 1

Colloto      1

Commercial Union: Adrián;_Secades, Manu Rodríguez, Campa_(Quinos, min. 78), Raúl, Pelayo, Jairo Santos,_Vega, Elías (Iván Blanco, min. 78), Nacho and Manín.

Colloto: Andrés;_Isma, Miguel, Kike, Corino (Óscar, min. 68), Wiski (Kayce, min. 68), Loureiro, Cris, Bryan, Zubi (Pedro, min. 84) and_Edgar.

Goals: 1-0, min.9;_Pelayo. 1-1 min. 48:_Bryan.

Referee: Fernandez Montes (Gijon). He expelled the local Vega in the min. 75 with straight red. Yellow to the local Campa, and to Kike and Wiski.

The Island: 120 spectators.

Xavier Tudela

Tudela Veguin

El_Colloto became the first team to score on La Isla with a fair draw.

Nalón        4

Ribadedeva        2

Nalon: Guzman; Eneas, Mandi, Gonzalo (Sergio, min. 81), Cristian (Samuel, min. 60), Bara (Pablo, min. 83), Aitor, Olay, Miguel (Vidal, min. 69), Álex Corzo and Rojo (Astor , min.17).

Ribadedeva: Nano; _Iván, Guitián (Bueres, min. 46), Jorgito, Félix, Isaac (Edu, min. 66), Rafa, Borja (Oliva, min. 46), Dani, Soberón (Remis, min. 46) and José.

Goals: 1-0, min. 26: Mandi. 2-0, min. 48 : Remis, own goal. 3-0, min. 63: Aeneas. 3-1, min. 73: Ivan. 3-2, min. 79: Rafe. 4-2, min. 81:_Samuel.

Referee: Morales Coria (Aviles). He expelled Felix, at min. 82. I admonish Dani and Oliva.

Smoke: 130 Spectators.

Paul Barranco




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