Piero Bonarini surrounded by volleyball friends on his birthday

Piero Bonarini surrounded by volleyball friends on his birthday

Party on the volleyball court on March 4th for Piero Bonarini’s birthday. An institution of volleyball and volunteering from Macerata, who turned 75 surrounded by the affection of friends who share this passion with him in the gymnasium of the Sforzacosta school. Bonarini was commander of the municipal police of Potenza Picena from 1972 to 2009, with civil protection interventions during the earthquake in Irpinia in 1980, as well as commissioner appointed by the prefect and head of the refugee camp for people from Albania in 1997. He is also the head of the Porto Potenza branch of the Family and Road Victims Association (Aifvs), as well as a member of Avis, Aido and a Red Cross volunteer as a 118 driver. In the world of volleyball, Bonarini was the partner founder of the Potenza Picena team and Serie A player (1969-70 season) with the Naples Army, also engaging in basketball and rowing at the turn of the sixties and seventies. Bonarini was celebrated by his teammates and teammates of the amateur group, who meet in Sforzacosta to play volleyball.



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