finally the big departure for the participating gendarmes!

finally the big departure for the participating gendarmes!

Even before rushing into the various sporting events planned by the organization of the Raid Amazons, they have already been able to demonstrate their endurance. In 2019, the mobile gendarmes Océane, Pauline and Audrey are determined to participate in the 20th anniversary of this extraordinary event, allowing them to combine their two passions: sport and travel. Indeed, this raid, exclusively female and non-motorized, consists of chaining, in teams of two or three, for six days, different sporting challenges (run and bikecanoeing, archery, trail running, etc.), while participating in humanitarian causes and discovering the designated country.

© D.R.

In the same way, Mathilde, then a policeman at the Saint-Étienne-de-Saint-Geoirs brigade (38), signed up with one of her colleagues to live this adventure, which was to take place at the end of 2020, in Thailand. .

The Raid Amazones being part of a primarily charitable approach, the two teams are starting to raise funds to finance their trip and support a cause close to their hearts. The former choose “ADA Jade”, an association which contributes to financing the care of Jade, the daughter of a classmate suffering from a rare genetic disease. The latter want to help the “Infosarcomas” association, which fights against rare cancers. At the same time, the five young women begin their physical preparation.

Change of program

But that’s not counting the health crisis, which will turn this beautiful project upside down! Having started to collect funds well in advance, the three mobile gendarmes manage to balance their budget just before the first confinement. ” We had reached 12,000 euros by organizing a raffle in a hotel in Reunion where we were traveling with the squadron. A chance, because all the shops closed afterwards “recalls Océane.

© D.R.

A challenge also taken up by Mathilde and her teammate, who preferred ” appeal to many small artisans and local merchants, who are more interested in our project, rather than large groups”

The raid is postponed several times and changes destination several times, depending on confinements and government announcements. ” It took a long time to settle, especially depending on which countries opened their borders or not. The raid was to take place initially in Thailand, then it was planned in Reunion, Mauritius and, finally, Sri Lanka “, says Océane.

So many changes that end up discouraging Mathilde’s colleague, forcing her to find a new teammate and build a new charity project. ” It was obvious to ask my sister Axelle to join this adventure. We then created a new team and took the decision to support the “Ruban Rose” association. By making and then selling fabric pouches, we raised 2,000 euros for this cause, while the first funds will be donated to Infosarcomas as planned. »

“More motivated than ever”

The past two years have also had certain virtues. First regarding Jade’s state of health, which has greatly improved. ” In the meantime, the little one is doing much better. In order to stay in the spirit of the raid, we therefore proposed to his parents to donate the funds collected to him, in order to register him this year in the sport of his choice. », explains Océane.

The five participants also used this extra time to continue preparing for the various sporting events. ” During a trip to Guyana, we were able to train in run and bike, by participating in a marathon organized around the space station “, adds the mobile policeman. ” My sister living 900 km from my home, we took advantage of last summer to meet and train together on certain disciplines “Acknowledges, for his part, Mathilde.

© D.R.

Finally, this long wait had the merit of further strengthening the motivation of the young women and allowing them to leave with a whole small community of supporters behind them. “ A Chartrain television channel offered us to do a report on our adventure. We are followed by more than 1,600 people on Instagram, and the association gunfighters (composed of law enforcement officers practicing motorcycling, editor’s note) offered to meet us at the airport on Sunday, to wish us good luck. Between the wait, this unfailing support and my imminent departure from the squadron, we are more motivated than ever and are aiming for the podium.”, hopes Océane. A wish that we also express for these two shock teams!



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