It was on Monday March 28 that the municipal council of Plévin (Côtes-d’Armor), under the chairmanship of the mayor, Dominique Cogen.
School cafeteria
Dominique Cogen explains: The France recovery plan has set up a support system for school canteens in small towns. The device is extended until June 30, 2022, it makes it possible to finance in particular the purchase of equipment and material, necessary for the kitchen, the transformation of fresh products or for conservation.
The council has approved the acquisition of equipment and is requesting a grant under the scheme. The subsidy rate is 100%, up to a limit of €3,000 excluding VAT.
AS La Montagne plus football school, €1,000; secular association, €1,200; secular friendship, school trip, €400; Table tennis club, €400; elders from Algeria, €140; Chasse La Montagne, €80; Kanerien ar Menez Du, €350; Hentou ar Mein Glas, €600; Hunting Society, La Plévinoise, €300; Tro Val Hir, €200; Father Maunoir Association, €300; Association Lipousig, €100; Move your feet, €200; Sports associations, €315; Carhaix Poher gymnastics, €90; Poher judo club, €30; Monts d’Arrée agreement, €15; Last cartridges, €60; Carhaixment dance, €15; Rostrenen football club, €15; Glomel pony club, €60; ALCP, €30; Secours populaire Carhaix, €50; Restaurants from the heart of Carhaix, €50; Parents of the Carhaix medical-educational institute, €30; Bagad Karaez, €30; Ar Redadeg, €100; school trips, €50 per student.
Rainy waters
The call for tenders committee met on March 15, 2022 to analyze the offers received concerning the project management, concerning the repair of the rainwater network in the rue de la Poste, rue des Barrières , Père-Maunoir and the road to Langonnet. It also involves creating a landscaped water retention basin. The board approved the Servicad proposal, for a total amount of €22,470 excluding tax (€26,964 including tax).
The council decides to donate €500 to the Red Cross for Ukraine. The council approved the payment of the contribution in the amount of €42 to the housing solidarity fund for the year 2022. The council also approved the estimate of the company Zanchi, for additional services concerning the site of the center city technical. The total, excluding tax, is €16,607.