“The starting season will definitely be my last. My time has come, “smiled the 37 – year – old cyclist from the Česká spořitelna Accolade team. When he announced his plans for the coming year.
Is this definitely your last season? Or do you keep a few percent to change your mind?
I do not rule out that I will ride another race or try another discipline in the future. But it will be for fun. I will definitely not continue on a professional level. Lately, I have more activities that are starting to prevail over professional sports. It’s not worth stretching. I’ve been postponing for two years now.
So even possible penetrating successes can’t convince you of the next season on the professional scene?
If I drove three races instead of twenty-thirty, that’s fine. I can combine training with other issues. But traveling, racing abroad, concentration, it takes a lot of time. I’ve been doing this for twenty-six years. I find it useless.
Do you just want to go around the season or do you have selected races to focus on and try a penetrating result?
I have the highest goals. That’s why I left cross country, because I would have a hard time fighting for the top ten, but rather for it. And I didn’t find it interesting. That’s why I bet on stage races and marathons. It’s a way to enjoy the bike and I can think of the highest goals. The big challenge is the domestic European Championship in the form of the Malevil Cup. And then the World Marathon Championships in Denmark. The profile is favorable, it will suit me. Perhaps I will close my career nicely and interestingly. I will handle everything according to health and form. As in the last two years. I don’t want to make strict plans.
Do you already know what you will do after your active career?
Over the years, I have invested in real estate, now I have started to pay more attention to everything so that I do not jump straight into something after my career. I want everything ready. I also have other activities and of course sports. I also try to enjoy things that I didn’t have time for in my career.
Have you also focused on expanding the collection of veterans?
I didn’t buy anything. Just a motorcycle, a street … But I will definitely expand my collection in the future. I was more happy with the motorcycle. I race and I don’t want to risk injury. I will take gradual steps. When I’m done completely, there will be more time.
What do you enjoy the most?
During the pandemic, I caught various things … I travel less, I don’t watch that much. But it’s definitely not at the expense of performance. It’s just that my program is calmer.
Do you know what sports you can enjoy for fun?
There are three types of professional athletes after a career. The first group no longer wants to train and keep up. The other, on the other hand, starts to work even harder and immerses himself more in the sport, often in another. I will probably be the representative of the third group, which chooses the middle path and keeps up for the joy of movement. I would be attracted to Iron Man or some long-distance races. But two or three a year.
Did you complete this winter training with full commitment? Or has the knowledge that this will be the last season already reflected?
I drove at full speed. As in the last winter seasons, I spent a lot of time on ski alps and didn’t have to spend so many hours cycling, which suits me. It breaks the stereotype well. One engages the entire upper half of the body, balances various imbalances and engages muscles that do not work at all on the bike. I am replacing the gym and special winter training. In addition, I am able to train intensity as well as endurance.