Angri basketball. The grigiorossa week kicks off

Angri is called upon to support its team. After a long time, the PalaGalvani returns to 100% capacity and the company of president Alfonso Campitiello has promoted the “Grigiorossa Week”.

Fans will be able to buy a mini season ticket at a cost of 6 euros for Wednesday’s match against Lamezia, Wednesday at 20.30, and next Sunday, at 18.30, against Bellizzi.

There will be about 300 coupons available and can be purchased from “Umbet” in via Raiola in Angri or at the Ginògì bar, near the PalaGalvani in via Dante Alighieri, on the day of the races.

The president Alfonso Campitiello, in view of a crucial period for the classification ambitions of the boys of coach Costagliola engaged in the race for first place in C Gold, wanted to send his message to the city and to the fans.

“Angri must unite around our reality. We hope they all come to the arena to reward our efforts. The boys need the warmth of our fans. Then for the first time we have the capacity of PalGalvani at 100% and it hasn’t happened for some time. They will be two fundamental games for positioning in the playoffs. I appeal to your heart, you have never let us down and I’m sure you won’t this time either. The PalaGalvani will have to be a bedlam ”.



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