Winners of the 2022 teporaca award
Chihuahua.- Tonight the Teporaca 2022 Award was presented to the most outstanding athletes of the entity, in a ceremony presided over by the Municipal President, Marco Bonilla, and held at the City Theater.
The event having been organized by the City of Chihuahua, in coordination with the “Pancho Cano” Association of Sports Writers, the president of this association, Martín Morales Almanza, stated that this year it was difficult to select the winners, since they all represented what best of Chihuahuan sports and urged those who did not make the final list to continue making an effort and participating in competitions to register for this year’s call.
The winner of the Teporaca de Oro, walker Andrés Eduardo Olivas, thanked the people who have made it possible for him to obtain this important recognition, his family and the people who have been with him throughout his sports career.
“I never expected to win this award within the sport, because since I started practicing it at the age of 9 I did it out of passion and I enjoyed it, never expecting an award or a reward. I urge all athletes to do things with pleasure, with passion and the prizes begin to come by themselves”, he reiterated.
The winner of the Teporaca de Plata is the young Daniela Andrea Martínez, Paralympic taekwondoin.
The winners of the bronze Teporaca, in their different specialties are:
1. Isabella Flores López, chess
2. Anthony Ramírez Amado, mixed martial arts
3. Daniel Alejandro Burciaga Navarro, baseball
4. Mariano Páez Palma, bowling alley
5. Marco Ariel Hernandez Alvidrez, boxing
6. Oscar Antonio Herrera Otero, cycling
7. Hermann Alonso Gutiérrez Hernández, physical constructivism
8. Cristian Samuel Gutiérrez Lozano, fast soccer
9. Magdalena Sapién Martínez, gymnastics
10. Anwar Elias Villarreal, golf
11. Katia Gabriela Chávez Flores, handball
12. Paola Gardea Gutiérrez, judo
13. Irma Paola Delgado Villarreal, karate
14. Luisa Fernanda Torres Gómez, associated fights
15. Hiram Alberto Almanza Aguirre, Muay Thai
16. Shary Ruvalcaba Reza, modern pentathlon
17. Alan Francisco Vivanco Estrada, damn
18. Rene Alejandro Palomino Estrada, racquetball
19. Daniel Ivan Gonzalez Favela, rodeo
20. Marcela Terrazas Rivera, softball
21. Magda Karina García Cerna, table tennis
22. Enrique Santiago Chora Bayon, tennis
23. Ana Luisa Granados Zamarrón, tochito
24. Luis David Hernandez Baca, volleyball
25. Jesus Alfredo Lira Acosta, wu shu
26. Evelyn Guadalupe Loya Payán, trainer
27. Yonatan Rosales García, sports promoter