Pont-a-Mousson. The rugby club wants to introduce the practice to young people aged 8 to 12

The Pont-à-Mousson rugby club organizes a course for children, girls and boys, aged 8 to 12. It will take place from Monday April 11 to Friday April 15, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

“We have been organizing courses for several years now, always during the All Saints’ Day, Easter and summer holidays, over 4 or 5 days. But, for the second time only, these days will also be accessible to non-members of the club”, announces Roland Didier, treasurer of the club.

A loss of interest in team sports

The goal today is therefore no longer just to offer an advanced course to young people already initiated and accustomed to playing, but above all to introduce the practice to interested parties. Because the club’s objectives have changed in recent years, and in large part because of the pandemic.

“We lost a lot of licensees, around 20% I think, in all categories. We had good years with 300 licensees. Now we are more at 220.

The fault also lies with an overall loss of interest in team sports. “Individual sports are more popular today, and young people occupy themselves differently. To attract people to a collective sport, you have to be a very dynamic association”.

To reinvent oneself

The club wants to “catch up by introducing rugby to as many people as possible”. To do this, it must reinvent itself, set up new activities. The course for these April vacations will therefore be intended, this year, to initiate the curious.

“The goal is to have a good time, while teaching them the basics of rugby. Training will be provided each morning by an educator specializing in learning the discipline, and the afternoons will be reserved for other activities, organized by our communication and entertainment manager. »

Among them, bowling, laser tag, archery and rifle shooting, an outing to Pokeyland and a visit to Atton’s farm, among others. “The idea is that our young members can bring their friends, their brothers and sisters or their cousins ​​to the course and share this moment with them. »

To satisfy everyone, “depending on the children, we may consider making groups with different objectives”. The week of internship is at 100 €, and places are still available.

Rugby course for 8-12 year olds. From Monday April 11 to Friday April 15, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Price: €100. Information and booking with Kévin Simonin on 06 10 11 71 26.



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