The female 5-a-side football team of the Local Police was awarded

They won the Aspmi national 5-a-side football championship and were awarded on Monday morning in Tursi: they are the six agents of the Genoese local police Marzia Barbieri (district 4), Beatrice Ferrera (district 3), Sara Foppiani (RSU Ambiente), Francesca Melle (Command), Silvia Muzio (district 4) and Eleonora Pacifico (district 6), awarded the gold medal for sporting merits and the Minerva prize for sporting valor.

The award ceremony was attended by the councilor for security with responsibility for the Local Police Giorgio Viale, the councilor of the Liguria Region Alessio Piana delegated by the President of the Regional Council Gianmarco Medusei, the deputy commander of the local police Varno Maccari as delegated by the commander Gianluca Giurato and two representatives of the Sulpl (Unitary Union of Local Police Workers), the association that created the Award together with Unvs, the National Union of Veterans of Sport.

Currently the female 5-a-side football team of the Genoa Local Police is training under the guidance of Salvatore Mango, former Serie C professional coach, for the 2022 edition of the Italian championship which will be played in June in Torre dell’Orso, in province of Lecce. At the same time, the Italian men’s championship will also be played, in which the 5-a-side football team of the Genoese Local Police will also participate.

The Genoa Local Police Asd and the winning agents of the Aspmi Italian 5-a-side football championship were awarded a gold medal for sporting merit by Sulpl, while the Unvs awarded the athletes the Minerva award for sporting prowess.

The Asd Local Police of Genoa between sporting activities and solidarity

The Genoa Local Police Asd is a sports club that mainly brings together athletes, amateurs and agonists, belonging to the Genoa Local Police Corps, in service and retired. Currently the Association has about 300 active members in the following sports: beach volleyball, bowling, men’s and women’s football, cycling, running, go-karting, mountain biking, swimming, volleyball, skiing, tennis, archery, dynamic shooting, combat sports, underwater sports and basketball.

In 2021 the ASD organized the national basketball championships of the Local Police in Genoa and proposed to Aspmi to host the 2022 Italian dynamic shooting and go-kart championships in the city. Finally, the Genoa Local Police Asd also organizes and participates in charity events such as “A partia do cheu” on November 27, 2021, which collected 7 thousand euros donated to the Gigi Ghirotti Foundation.

“The national 5-a-side football title won by our agents – declares the councilor for security with responsibility for the Local Police Giorgio Viale – is a source of profound pride and satisfaction for the Municipality of Genoa. The Local Police, through its sports association , to the daily service provided, with the usual sense of duty, to the City and citizenship, combines an important activity of promotion and sporting practice that has the advantage of strengthening the unity and team spirit of the Corps. Congratulations to the girls and all the Asd Local Police of Genoa for the good victory “.

“The success achieved by the female team of the Genoa Local Police – comments the president of the Liguria Regional Council Gianmarco Medusei – is a source of pride for the entire Ligurian community. Many women and men of the Police Forces and of the Local Police for some time they distinguish themselves in many sporting disciplines and, thus, even today we can combine the gratitude and gratitude, which the institutions have always shown to the guarantors of our safety, a special thanks for this new, important record “.

“I thank the sworn commander who delegated me to represent him in the award ceremony of the girls who, with their beautiful victory, have given prestige to the Local Police Corps of the Municipality of Genoa and to the Municipality itself – says the Deputy Commander of the Genoa Local Police Varno Maccari -, winning the Italian championship in their first absolute participation. I also thank the municipal administration, Sulpl and Unvs for organizing this beautiful day, in addition to Aspmi, whose national competitions have the merit of uniting all the Local Police ‘Italy in the name of sport, which plays a very important role in bringing people together by promoting dialogue and participation “.

“The Genoa Local Police Asd proudly celebrates this day and the athletes protagonists of the honors received – explains the president of the Genoa Local Police Asd Igor Daglio -. Our association lives this goal as a starting point and not as a point of arrival: a point starting point to implement the commitment in sporting activity, to further increase the involvement of rose shares in the associative reality, to give the possibility to our athletes to encourage and support that passion that is born in life and grows in sport. than to Sulpl and Unvs for having rewarded us “.



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