Baitè, archery sports field. The notice of the Municipality for the management is underway

The try for themanagement entrustment of the sports field from archery from Baitè region.

Imperia: Baitè, archery sports field. The call for tenders for management is underway

Il Municipality of Imperia he started an investigation from market to locate the economic operators to invite to a negotiated procedure per custody of the archery sports field of the Baitè Region.

In detail, the item of the service concerns the “Complete management from the structure and all manufactured goods and appliances of any genre, the surveillance on them, the ordinary maintenance”. The duration of the assignment is 10 years.

As for the requirements from participation, are allowed Company e Associations amateur sports, sports promotion bodies, associated sports disciplines and national sports federations.

Il service will be entrusted “To a qualified subject, on the basis of the most economically advantageous offer. The award will be assessed as a whole, taking into account the criteria established in the tender e
of the rent offered by the concessionaire in favor of the Municipality “.

The instance from manifestation of interest and no later than 12.00 noon on 12 May 2022.



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