Somoza came to change something, but nothing changed

Whenever you bet on a change, it is so that the thing “changes” and it is known that in football two plus two is not always four, but what is happening in Central is breaking with all the manuals of logic, where the rudder change that was attempted at the time with the arrival of Leandro Somoza it was absolutely useless. What’s more, far from putting a brake on the fall, stopping it and attempting an escalation, no matter how small, the evils were enhanced, the team continues to wander without penalty or glory in the tournament and what explains all that are the lousy results obtained in this new cycle: of six games played there were four losses, one draw and one win; four points out of 18 at stake; 22 percent efficiency. Too little. There isn’t much more to go on in which the fans can suffer in this tournament because there is only one date left, but there is the clash for Argentine Cupwhich at this point Central It becomes something like “the final of the world”. Of course, the team (because of the previous and the current) has already put its feet in the mud, with a significant loss of ground in future projections for 2023 in terms of the average.

The annoyance is such in the world Central that the faces on the pitch Hurricane spoke for themselves, but perhaps the easiest way to explain the prevailing feeling was the attitude of Somoza, who left the stadium Thomas A. Duco without making statements because he was “very upset with the result”, as they indicated. Does this fact serve to exemplify the discouragement that is causing this string of poor results? Yes. And Somoza’s attitude is not called into question (what he did is still wrong), but with that it is about putting words to that feeling that things are not working and that the fuse that was changed with the output of Kily González it didn’t mean the rogue lights came back on.


Somoza’s Central retires from the Hurricane field after a new defeat.

Leonardo Vincenti / The Capital

From the start, Somoza maintained many of the things that the previous coach had been doing, in fact, in that game on the Tigre he used practically the same names (with another scheme, particular by the way) that they had been playing. And from then on, there were some modifications with which he sought to put his stamp on the team, but none of them delivered, at least until now, the expected results. It is no longer worth returning to the subject, but it is remembered that one of the strongest measures taken by the new DT was the exclusion of Emiliano Vecchio of the team until he carried out a physical reconditioning that would put him closer to the football idea. After five games of absence, on the 10th he returned to play, on the Hurricane field. For the rest, Somoza looked for things to change, knowing of course that everything was going to take time, starting with some specific bets that did not affect the game either, much less the results.

There was too much talk as one of the main chips played by Somoza was playing with hook, even not having on campus (with Vecchio outside of it) the necessary interpreters. But he searched again and again and again. It almost never worked out for him. Because in almost every game this Central from Somoza he was surpassed from the game, even in the match against Independiente, which was the only one in which he managed to add three. In that match he had a pretty bad time, especially in the first half.

Thus, from the tactical point of view, there was always a look towards the same place, preventing the coach from reacting more quickly in the middle of a game when the game wanted something else. He did it against Independiente, but on the Hurricane pitch he never tried to change anything when the team was leaking everywhere.


The defenders of Central guard Servio's arch against an attack by the Globe.

The defenders of Central guard Servio’s arch against an attack by the Globe.

Leonardo Vincenti / The Capital

Individual performance undoubtedly does not collaborate, but at this point one might wonder if this is not a logical consequence of a collective malfunction. Because as long as the idea is not sufficiently clear and elaborated, it will be difficult for each of the pieces to contribute their grain of sand.

Then there is the matter of proper names, which may or may not work well and where the hierarchy of each of them has a lot to do, but if Pupi Ferreyra is not a hitch, playing as a hitch is going to cost him; if Gamba is a born striker and plays as a striker, he will also have a hard time; if Tanlongo is a central midfielder and he is thrown into the lane, it is obvious that he will have a hard time. And like those, some other examples.

But of course, these days everything is measured by results and that is the big problem with this Central and from the previous one: that he cannot stop that free fall that is tormenting him. Somoza He arrived to fix a few things, but fundamentally to change them and in football those changes are evaluated by the team’s production. As for the game, Central It’s still more of the same and in some respects it could even be said that it got worse and the bar of results doesn’t give this new coaching staff the least amount of support. Therefore, to this Central That football turnaround he sought with the change of coach is not working for him. There is the credit Leandro Somoza work in a different way with the squad you make, with the players you want (you won’t have much room for action) and with a preseason on top. But something will have to change to captivate the rogue fans and also convince the leadership. Because until now those changes never said present.

Preseason at the AFA venue

Central will hold one of the pre-season weeks at the AFA site in Ezeiza, after that from the mother house of Argentine soccer he confirmed to the scoundrels the transfer of the place. In theory, the rogue squad will work in the new sector of the AFA for seven days (from May 22 to 28 inclusive) and in the middle it is planned to hold a friendly match against a team from Buenos Aires, which is not yet defined. Somoza’s intention is to leave the Arroyo Seco property for a few days and the place he chose was the AFA property. The other part of the preseason will take place in Arroyo Seco. Central had made the formal request to the AFA and yesterday the president Chiqui Tapia he confirmed it to the vice scoundrel Ricardo Carloni.

In another order, the match for Argentine Cup against Sol de Mayo will be on Friday the 13th, on the pitch of union There were doubts about the venue, but yesterday they confirmed to the scoundrels that it will be at the 15 de Abril stadium.



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