Archery, protagonists at Bernalda Arcieri Club Lido

The company from Catanzaro Lido participates in the race as it is included in the team’s sports program, with 5 athletes, winning as many podiums

The 15 maggio a license plate specialty competition Archery, valid for qualifications and entry into the Italian division ranking. The company of Catanzaro Lido participates in the race as it is included in the team’s sports program, with 5 athletes, winning as many podiums. In the Compound Specialty, Poerio Piterà Anastasia won gold in the student class, Chiarella Vittoria Veneta in the Juniores class, while Francesco Quaglia and Gorizia Novello took home silver in the senior class compound division. The medal collection is completed by the gold in the male nude arch by master Poerio Piterà Edoardo.

“At the away match of Bernalda, reports the company technical staff, we participated because at the beginning of the sporting year we make a technical evaluation of participation in competitions in view of probable sporting goals, taking into account first of all the needs of the youth technical sector whose manager is the coach Demasi Paschal. This programming allows us to plan both appointments and training sessions, which under the guidance of the technical managers are always marked by sporting seriousness and commitment to be put on the pitch “. Thanks from all the Club Lido staff goes to the perfect organization of the Bernalda archers, to the welcome received from all over the Lucan sports world and from the ever present to every sporting initiative and not of the Basilicata regional president Nicola Taddei.



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