Mario Yepes leaves the Colombian Football Federation | Sports Director’s contract ends | Colombia selection

Mario Alberto Yepes ended his relationship with the Colombian Football Federationwith which he had a contract since 2019 and little was noticed in his management.

The former soccer player, remembered as captain of the Colombian National Team in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, was criticized because he did not appear much in the media these three years and it was not known whether his position and his management were appropriate or not.

What position did Mario Yepes have in the Federation? Although the Federation signed him a contract in 2019, he presented him on January 23, 2020 as the new Sports Director, backed by Ramón Jesurún, president of the FCF, and in a team with Iván Novella, Selection Manager, and Carlos Queiroz, who was the national team coach at that time.

According to the Federation, These were Yepes’ responsibilities in his cycle:

– Coordinate and manage the development plans, growth and activities of the elite players and our National Teams.

– Organize, hand in hand with the Development and Administrative Department, the improvement and growth of the sports infrastructure and equipment of the different National Teams.

– Responsible for maintaining communication and harmonization with the players and technical bodies of the different Colombian National Teams.

– Collaborate with the other areas involved in the Colombian Football Federation, the training and education plans for the coaches of the different categories of the Colombian National Teams.

– Make their knowledge and experience available to the Colombian Football Federation to achieve the development and growth of Colombian football.

Did Yepes fulfill his tasks? Did they let him fulfill his role in the Federation? The only certain thing is that the FCF fired him this Wednesday, June 1, assuring that they terminated his contract by mutual agreement.



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