Sarthe. Champagne Conlinoise Judo-Club: Tom Herrero, 14th black belt of the club

Presentation of the Medal of the city of Conlie by Nathalie Thiebaud to Charles Radou, and Tom Herrero (on the right) respectively 13th and 14th black belt of the JCCC club. ©DR.

Le Saturday June 25le Judo Club of Champagne Conlinoise (Sarthe) was holding his general assembly annual. This event is an opportunity to make a with moral of the association, a point on the finances, to proceed to possible elections. After the votes of these various points, follows the handing over of ranks and belts to the judokas thus taking stock of their progress in the practice of the discipline.

In the presentation of the moral report, the president, Karine Jouanneau, shared her satisfaction to note that the conlinois club, with 136 practitioners, was the first rural club in Sarthe and the second in the department in terms of numbers and results. She adds that with 40 practitioners from Taïso, the club from Constantine is also in first position in the department. In this regard, she points out that David Mezeretteclub teacher becomes Taïso referent and that the JCCC is labeled “self-defense”

Tom Herrero (left) with David Mezerette his teacher who has just given him his new belt.
Tom Herrero (left) with David Mezerette his teacher who has just given him his new belt. ©DR

Club goals

“In our objectives we have put priority on the training of referees,” explains the president. “Without a referee, there is no competition. We are quite proud in this area with many judokas involved in this process. This is why the club receives two GOLD labels. One for training, another for participation. We must thank all these volunteers who agree to train,” concludes the president. After the long presentation of rank and belts to the club’s judokas, by David Mezerette. The meeting ended with the awarding of the club’s 14th black belt to Tom Smith, 18 years old, joined the Conlie club in 2017 after several years at the Sillé-le-Guillaume club and a white period, he says he wanted to return to the practice of judo with the firm determination to obtain this black belt 1st Dan. Mission accomplished for him.

Nathalie Thiebauddeputy mayor, presented Tom Herrero and Charles Radou, 13th black belt, with the City of Conlie Medal.

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