Canoe star misses medal

Canoe star misses medal

The German men’s kayak four missed gold over the 500 m at the World Racing Championships in Halifax, Canada. Tokyo Olympic champions Max Rendschmidt, Tim Liebscher and Max Lemke had to settle for silver together with Jacob Schopf, Ronny Rauhe’s successor. The Spanish foursome, which the German boat left behind in Tokyo last year, celebrated the victory.

The three-time Olympic champion Sebastian Brendel and Tim Hecker experienced a disappointment about the future Olympic 500 m distance. The duo, who had won Olympic bronze in Tokyo, missed the podium in the canoe pair (C2) and only finished fourth. The women’s kayak foursome also swept well past the medals in sixth place.

Things went better in the Canadian singles: Nico Pickert sprinted to silver in the non-Olympic 200 m.



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