Detailed error IIS 10.0 – 404.11

Errore HTTP 404.11 – Not Found

The request filter module is configured to deny a request containing a double escape sequence.

Most likely causes:

  • The request contains a double escape sequence, and the Web server is configured for request filtering to deny double escape sequences.

Possible operations:

  • Check the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering@allowDoubleEscaping setting in the applicationhost.config or web.confg file.

Detailed error information:

Modulo RequestFilteringModule
Notification BeginRequest
Manager StaticFile
Error code 0x00000000
URL requested
Physical path D: \ web \ \ article.php? Idd = 70653 & origin = 1 & t = B% 26amp% 3BCC + Lecco% 3A + two + podiums + at + 2% 26deg% 3B + Tournament + Grand + Prix + of + Malles
Login method Not yet determined
Login user Not yet determined

Other information:

Security features. Do not change this functionality if you are unsure of the scope of the change. A network trace must be detected before changing the value to ensure that the request is not potentially malicious. If the server is allowed to use double escape sequences, change the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering@allowDoubleEscaping setting. The problem could be caused by an invalid URL sent to the server by an attacker.

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