FOOTBALL FLAG. In search of the perfect season, Carlos Barbosa Ximangos wants to win the RS Cup

Created in 2018, the “female flag” division of Ximangos is the current great power of the state (Photo Julia Liotto/Disclosure)

by Pedro Pereira

The players of Carlos Barbosa Ximangos, whose story was told HERE, concluded the objective of the first stage of the season: to reach the top of Rio Grande do Sul. However, the hardest part is staying there. in the RS Cup flag football – tournament that will have wide coverage on this site -, next weekend, the 2022 champions of Rio Grande do Sul have a mission to show the community that it was not luck, but that they are capable of being among the best.

After a football team game full pads (that athletes use protective equipment) by Carlos Barbosa, girlfriends of players were attracted to the sport and came together to create the women’s division at the end of 2017. According to Marice Guzattowhich assists the Ximangos in some bureaucratic processes from that time to the present day, the interested parties talked to the board and, in January 2018, the women’s flag football team was put into practice.

Before winning this year’s Campeonato Gaúcho, the biggest success the Barbosenses had achieved was the runner-up in the 2019 RS Cup, when they lost, 20-19 in a late game turn, to Santa Maria Soldiers. About the defeat, the head coach William Brushin states that “what was lacking to gain was experience. Know how to manage time”.

In the 2022 Gauchão, they lost the initial match to the Santa Catarina team of Desterro Atlantis, but won all the others. The squad’s coach guarantees that the defeat against the Floripa team was a “turn of key” for the Ximangos. Also, not only did they “take revenge” on the Soldiers, but they also won the state trophy, which were Spazzin’s biggest goals in the first semester. “We managed to beat the Soldiers, which was our main objective. We’ve had it since 2019. In addition to wanting the title, we wanted to show that we were capable of beating the best team in the state that, until then, had won everything”, said the head coach.


Site starts to cover “Flag Football”, with the beginning of the RS Cup. Soldiers seek their third cup” (HERE)

“The pioneers of Chacais RS, from Santa Cruz do Sul, intend to break a taboo in Copa RS” (HERE)

“Lions, the team from the capital, arrives at Copa RS with a mission to prove their competence” (HERE)

“Desterro Atlantis leaves his homeland, Santa Catarina, with the dream of dominating the RS Cup” (HERE)

Staying at the top of the “footbal flag” in Rio Grande do Sul is not impossible, but it shouldn’t be easy (Photo Julia Liotto/Disclosure)

With the new cup, Carlos Barbosa Ximangos has established himself in the elite of the flag football gaucho However, the work cannot stop. According to the commander of the Barbosense technical commission, the team is working hard, training, studying and analyzing opponents to suffer as little as possible in Júlio de Castilhos – where the second semester tournament takes place.

In the view of the team’s offensive assistant, Lord Isotton, a victory over Atlantis, although not easy, is not an impossible objective for the RS Cup. “Santa Catarina’s level has always been higher. Today, in my view, we can beat them. Not with the thought that we are going to win, but that we are on the same level.” It also puts, in addition to the title, a victory over the Floripa team as a goal. “We’re working to overcome what we couldn’t do in the previous championship,” said the member of the coaching staff.

However, in addition to Atlantis, the competition has the presence of the traditional Santa Cruz Chacais, the talented Lions Flag Football and the historic Lions Flag Football. According to Spazzin, all the teams are at a high level and should not be underestimated, but they are optimistic that they will do well and are already thinking about the future. “We are very confident about what we can achieve in this competition, but now we need to evolve. We cannot stagnate and stop here. Staying on top is always the hardest. We are thinking about the next step”, declared the coach.

For Marice, who has been in the women’s team project since the beginning, the sport is interesting for the community precisely because it is so different from the population. “Despite being an amateur and new sport, it showed interest in several practitioners of the modality, thus increasing its cast and interacting with the community in games and stages of hosted championships, bringing a differentiated entertainment, thus arousing the interest of young people and children in the sport. sport”, said the admirer of the flag.

Tuane, before being part of the coaching staff, was an athlete. She knows what it’s like to obey rules and be in leadership roles. In this way, the offensive assistant reports the feeling of playing such an important role for the community.

“We always try to do our best. As a player, as a person, as a former athlete, you have to know how to behave. If you look at it, most technical committees are made up of men only. Today, if I were an athlete, I would really miss playing without [uma mulher]. Me always being visibly ready to help which makes the difference to be respected”, acknowledged the representative of the attack.

The first match of the girls of Carlos Barbosa Ximangos in the Copa RS is against Santa Cruz Chacais, this Saturday (10), at 10:30 am, in Júlio de Castilhos. All matches take place at the Miguel Waihrich Filho Municipal Stadium, and will be broadcast on the official FGFA channel, on YOUTUBE. If the internet user wants to see the complete competition guide, just click HERE.



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