Archery: a complete and extraordinary sport

Archery is a fun sport that can be practiced at any age and is one of the oldest disciplines still practiced today.

This tool has accompanied man throughout almost all of his history and continues to evolve today. In France, there are more than 57,000 archers. Thinking of joining them? Focus on this extraordinary sport and the reasons why you should no longer hesitate to get started.

Where does archery come from?

A quick look at its origins

It is difficult to precisely date the appearance of the bow and arrows, since the materials used in their manufacture were once degradable. However, it is indisputable that it has been used since prehistoric times.

Indeed, the first men used this tool primarily to hunt: it allowed them to reach their prey quickly and from a distance. Centuries later, archery was practiced for purposes of conquest, during wars, notably in the Middle East and Egypt.

Also, traces of bows have been found all over the world (China, Europe, Middle East and even Australia): the tool has naturally imposed itself as an essential in the life and survival of Man.

It is also very present and of strong symbolism in Greek mythology since it is one of the attributes of several gods, such as Apollo or Artemis, as well as an essential key in Homer’s Odyssey.

It was only recently, at the end of the 19th century, that the arcs are finally marketed and the practice is entering households, standing out as a sporting and fun activity.

Birth of a sport

It was at the 1900 Olympic Games that archery established itself as a sport in its own right with its participation, although it was only contested for 4 Olympic competitions thereafter before being removed from the competition.

It is for this occasion that the FFTA (French Federation of Archery) was created the previous year. The FITA (International Archery Federation), meanwhile, was only created in 1931, but now includes 140 countries. The sport was finally reintroduced at the Olympic Games in 1972 and is now recognized as a long-lasting and indisputable high-level sport.

The main archery disciplines

Archery has many disciplines. Among these, we can mention a few:

Target archery

This is the most popular and the most disputed discipline during international competitions such as the Olympic Games. The principle is to shoot at fixed targets, at a distance of up to 90 meters.

Field shooting

We speak of field shooting when the archer completes a course comprising several targets at varying distances, diameters, angles and heights.

The distance of the targets, between 5 and 60 meters, may or may not be indicated to the archer (we then speak of a marked or unmarked distance). This discipline requires a strong ability to adapt, since the light and the weather conditions can be changing as well as the irregular terrain.

The 3D course

The 3D course is an outdoor discipline referring to the very first hours of archery: hunting. The archer is in the center of a course in which the targets are animals, generally made of foam, arranged at varying distances.

Many other disciplines can be mentioned such as ski-bow, nature archery, arc-racing or even long-range archery.

What skills does archery develop?

physical abilities

The practice of archery has many advantages and in particular improves balance, muscle strength (especially the upper body) and coordination.

mental abilities

By practicing archery, you will not only train your body: your mental capacities will also be stimulated. To improve in this art, it is above all necessary to show precision, concentration and patience.

Your ability to adapt will also be put to the test, especially in the outdoor disciplines. In addition, the archers evoke the self-confidence they acquire thanks to this practice.

Social skills

Archery confirms to be a complete sport since it also allows the development of social skills useful in everyday life such as self-control or inclusion (it can be practiced by archers with disabilities) .

As you will have understood, archery is much more than a sport. Constantly evolving, it offers the possibility to those who practice it to progress on several aspects and to develop useful capacities well beyond the discipline itself. So, do not hesitate to visit Hattila to add more strings to your bow!



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