Naples, blood at the bar: Tunisian attacked with baseball bat. Stopped a 21 year old

Comes from Ravenna the news of the arrest of an immigrant clandestine Tunisian. Stopped during a check on the territory, and surprised with 64 doses of cocaine at home already packaged and ready for drug dealing. A complete organization, his: the man, in fact, in addition to the drug, also had all the material necessary for the packaging of the doses (scale and plastic bags). Material that the soldiers of the Economic-Financial Police Unit of the Guardia di Finanza of Ravenna, grappling with the search, they found and reported.

Ravenna, a Tunisian pusher arrested: an illegal immigrant close to Islamic fundamentalist circles

Not only. The police forces involved in the arrest of the Tunisian illegal immigrant while they were operating within the territory control services, with subsequent investigations also ascertained that the man was reported in the police databases as the recipient of a refoulement measure from the countries of the Schengen area. The foreign pusher, in fact, it turned out to be close to the circles of Islamic fundamentalism. Reason why the procedures for his repatriation were triggered. But if in Ravenna the foreigner was intercepted and arrested as a “dangerous” subject, in the Neapolitan area one of his compatriots was the victim of a brutal assault. An assault with a baseball bat.

Naples, 53-year-old Tunisian attacked with a baseball bat

From Naples, therefore, come the details of a criminal case that registers at the center of the story a Tunisian immigrant who was attacked by a 21-year-old local. The carabinieri of the Giugliano station, therefore, they carried out a detention of a suspect in a crime against a young man accused of attempted murder. The boy, according to what was reconstructed by the military, allegedly hit a 53-year-old Tunisian on the head several times with a baseball bat. The assault took place in a bar in Casal di Principe last Monday night.

The attacker, a 21-year-old, was identified and arrested

However, the investigation activities started after the intervention of the military in the emergency room of the Giugliano hospital, where the victim had presented himself with several lacerated and contused wounds to the skull. Wounds that led the doctors to order his urgent transfer to the hospital in Pozzuoli, where the victim is still hospitalized with a reserved prognosis. On the investigation front, however, the analysis of the images extrapolated from the bar’s video surveillance system. As well as the testimonies of those present, they have given an acceleration to the resolution of the case. And they led the investigators, under the direction of Prosecutor of the Republic of North Naples, to the identification of the 21-year-old. Young who, at the moment, stands in jail awaiting the validation of the provision by the Gip.



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