Gailtal Journal – FPÖ – Angerer in annual review press conference: ‘We have to concentrate on feasible and long-term solutions for Carinthia’

Our economy is badly hit, the asylum policy is practically non-existent, our children are still suffering from the consequences of Corona, prices continue to rise every day and the care system is also suffering in every nook and corner.” angrywho also addressed the impact of times of crisis.

Economy and society suffer

“Economy and society are still suffering from the consequences of political mismanagement by the black-green federal government and the red-black Carinthian state government. In the economic sector, there is great uncertainty and, above all, fears as to how the newly planned electricity increases due to rising network costs in combination with the restrictions on electricity price regulation due to the merit order system will affect the domestic economy.

From January, companies and private households are again faced with massive increases in electricity prices, but unfortunately there are no sustainable solutions for this on the part of politicians,” said the liberal party leader and pointed out that Carinthia as a business location was also being burdened by the disputes between the SPÖ and ÖVP coalition partners regarding Klagenfurt airport: “One could have worked on a solution for four years, now there is a lively discussion going on as to whether the purchase of the airport should be reversed should or not. This is bad for the reputation of the airport and our business location, such an important infrastructure project must not be misused for election campaigns!”

Enforcement of the fair and cheap electricity basic supply price

Finally noticed angry states that the FPÖ, as the most important opposition party in Carinthia, not only criticizes, but also acts and proposes constructive solutions. “Our perseverance has already paid off for the citizens of the state with the implementation of the fair and affordable basic electricity supply price for all Carinthians and small businesses. We want to build on that and will therefore present our election program at the beginning of the coming year – probably on January 16th,” he said FPÖ party leader. The work program of the FPÖ Carinthia will contain sensible and easy-to-implement measures with which the problems in Carinthia can be countered and solved in the long term and sustainably.



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