The entire Compagnie d’arc Les Chardons team struggled to organize the first competition at 18 meters of the year 2023 at the Pasteur gymnasium in Pithiviers last weekend.
At least 50 young people from different clubs and 189 adults (31 clubs from Loiret, Seine-et-Marne and Essonne) signed up for the whole weekend. “There is no longer a free place! This is unheard of for at least ten years, ”appreciates Jean-Pierre Le Lamer, the president. Not to mention the 41 candidates for the special duels, organized for the first time in Pithiviers. This is open to three categories for men and women: barebow, compound bow and recurve bow.
For the youth special, the Pithiverian archers benefited from the club’s new competition equipment: bows adapted to the progression of the technical level of beginners.
The second competition scheduled at the Pasteur gymnasium is the weekend of February 4 and 5.