Zeiskam. After a forced break of three years, the already traditional annual kick-off event of the 1st Budoclub Zeiskam took place last Sunday, which in turn was well received. At the opening, the first chairman welcomed the actors and the guests, especially the honorary chairman Willi Humbert, as well as the jubilees for long-term membership in the association. The Judokids, who had successfully passed the first belt test before Christmas, made the start. They received their white and yellow belt certificates. Not all of the members to be honored for long-standing association membership were present. Michael Masser, our long-standing deputy chairman, Uschi Masser, Lukas Huber, Desirée Frey, Kim Schreiber, Marita and Thomas Rund, and Jürgen Mohr were awarded the silver badge of honour, certificate and a gift for 25 years of membership. For ten years of association membership, David Schuller, Marius Krebs, Oskar Sinn, Lars Gutzler, Max Sommer, Marlon and Michaela Holzhäuser, Anna, Silvia and Tobias Wolf also received a gift, the certificate and the bronze honorary pin. With a request to those present, the first chairman appealed after the honors to get involved in the club and especially in the board of directors in order to give the many children the opportunity to continue practicing this sport and to ensure the continued existence of the club. The presentation of the individual training groups began with the arrival of the youngest judokas. The various falling and throwing techniques of the judo kids received a lot of applause. Our two youngest judokas, who brought down our heavyweights of over 100 kg, received a very big round of applause. The advanced girls and boys went on quickly. Higher belt colors were already represented here. Accordingly, the level increased. The fall school over several judokas and big throws showed the progress over several years of judo training. The adult group formed the conclusion. She rounded off the program with some spectacular throws and falling exercises. The astonishment of the youngest was great when the adults ended the performances of the judokas with a synchronized free fall. A special honor was given. Alissa Bellman accepted the trophy for the most hard-working judoka in 2022 with 59 training visits from the 1st chairman. The bouncy castle was unfolded and the animator Elena had meanwhile arrived. Now, in addition to the bouncy castle and the judo mat for romping, Elena was also available, who also provided entertainment by modeling the balloons and applying make-up to the children. The adults used this for a cozy chat over coffee and cake. Thanks again to the board members who went to great lengths to conjure up a great cake buffet for the guests. All active members and board members received a gift. The first chairman thanked all actors, as well as the members, sponsors and parents for coming and wished them a safe journey home. ps
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