Novara – Nothing to do for our two standard-bearers in the “Piedmont judo cup” held on Saturday 11 March at the main building in Leini which recorded the participation of 290 competitors. Pietro Mairate after winning the first match, despite two “golden scores” was unable to go beyond 15th place in a poule of 32 participants in the 46 kg. Ambra Placentino has perhaps paid the price of a drastic diet to stay in weight and she failed to go beyond the 9th place out of the 11 participants in the 52 kg category. Both competed in the B rookie competition.

Meanwhile Carlo Cariola informs that “the joint National Council (judo, Karate and wrestling) of the FIJLKAM, the official CONI Federation, on January 31st reconfirmed my position as National contact person in the competitive area of ​​all ju jitsu specialties up to to 2024. Two of direct combat against opponent (FIGHTING SYSTEM (integral) and NE WAZA (ground fight), and two of exhibition with teammate, DUO SYSTEM and DUO SHOW. In 2022, apart from the Absolute Italian championships, cup Italy and the Italian Open two international ne waza competitions were held, the first at the European level in the headquarters of the Federation in Ostia Lido where our national team achieved 4 first places, two second and a third place, the second at world championships in Abu Dhabi without any podiums. The federation has decided to reconfirm my position as technical manager of the



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