Tokyo Six University Baseball 2023 Autumn League: Meiji University Falls Short in First Round Match against Mingda University

Tokyo Six University Baseball 2023 Autumn League Match Meiji University 1st round
October 21, 2023 (Saturday)
Jingu Stadium

The final chapter of the Ming War has begun. However, in the second inning, they were given a two-point lead due to a mistake, and the gap continued to widen. The batting line wanted to fight back, but they couldn’t take advantage of the good opportunity in the 6th inning with two outs and 1st and 2nd base, and in the 9th inning, Hiroshi Urawa (Ka4=Naruto)’s timely hit and wild pitch gave them two points. They lost their first match 2-5.

The ura that made a pleasant sound

Match results

Total match results

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ji H E Mingda 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 5 9 1 Law University 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 5 2

(Meiji University) ○Maita, Kuno, Okawa—Kojimakawa
(Hodai) ●Yoshizuru, Hanawa – Yinyasu

Batting results

Batting order position Players Hits, runs, batting average, on-base percentage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 (5) Takegawa 3 1 0 .333 .418 Strikeout hit by pitch left 2 Sango 2 (8) Nakatsu 4 0 0 .293 .348 Sanhi Strikeouts, pitches, three balls, three strikes (6) Imaizumi, 3 1 0 .310 .431 Nakayasu, right fly, hit and hit, three balls, 4 (9)3 Ura, 3 1 1 .375 .444 Strikeouts, right, walk, right 2① 5 (3) Takashi Utsumi, 3 0 0 .125 .200 Chuhi Chuhi Chuhi 1 Hanawa – – – .000 .500 H Himeki 1 0 0 .235 .316 Strikeouts 6 (7) Nishimura 4 2 0 .286 .324 Niyasu Yugo right-handed pitching Yasu 7 (4) Takahara 2 0 0 .100 .143 Strikeout left fly H4 Matsushita 2 0 0 .235 .235 Yugo strikeout 8 (2) ????An 3 0 0 .167 .255 Left fly Nigo strikeout H Tadokoro 1 0 0 .000 .000 Strikeouts 9 (1) Yoshituru 1 0 0 .182 .182 Strikeouts H9 Hamaoka 1 0 0 .154 .200 Nigo H9 Teru Suzuki 1 0 0 .125 .125 Total strikeouts 32 5 1 .238 .314

Pitching results

Number of innings pitched Batter’s safe pitches ERA Yoshituru 6 108 30 8 4 2 3 2.05 Hanawa 3 43 11 1 0 2 0 1.86 Total 9 151 41 9 4 4 3 3.25

members on the bench

10 Souta Imaizumi (Law 4 = Chukyo University Chukyo) 27 ????yasu Ryoya (Law 3 = Osaka Toin) 35 Riku Hamaoka (Law 2 = Tokuei Hanasaki) 1 Kanta Ozaki (Law 4 = Shiga Gakuen) 32 Yuki Nakanishi (Law 2 = Tokuei Hanasaki) Law 1 = Kisarazu General) 2 Daiteru Suzuki (Bun 3 = Meitoku Gijuku) 13 Yuhiro Hanawa (Law 4 = Joso Gakuin) 3 Takato Utsumi (People 4 = Yokohama) 9 Hiroshi Urawa (Ca 4 = Naruto) 15 Maruyama Yota (Sports 2=Naruto) 5 Shun Manabe (Bun 4=Hiroshima Commercial) 33 Tomoya Nishimura (Law 3=Chukyo University Chukyo) 17 Taketomi Riku (English 4=Nippon University Fujisawa) 6 Yuki Takahara (Law 4=Fukui Institute of Technology Fukui) 34 Rikuto Himeki (Person 3 = Nippon University Fujisawa) 18 Kentaro Shinoki (Person 3 = Kisarazu General) 24 Ren Takekawa (Person 3 = Shiga Gakuen) 36 Nakatsu Yamato (Person 3 = Komatsu Otani) 21 Yoshitsuru Shoei (Person 3 = Komatsu Otani) = Kisarazu General) 26 Yasutoshi Fujimori (Eng 1 = Tenri) 39 Shoichiro Osawa (Law 3 = Ageo) 47 Tsubasa Furukawa (Ca 1 = Sendai Ikuei) 28 Kazuya Ishiguro (Law 2 = Takaoka Commercial) 22 Munehiro Tadokoro (Ca 3 = Inabe General) 29 Matsushita Ayuka (Business 2 = Toin Gakuen)

Battle review

The first round of the Autumn League Meiji University was held with a chance of moving up to third place. Hodai’s starting pitcher is Yoshituru Shoei (Business 3 = Kisarazu General).

The first inning ended with all three players retired, but in the top of the second inning, pitcher Yoshitsuru allowed a hit to No. 4 Kiyuto Ueda and made a sacrifice hit from No. 5 Keiichi Kimoto. He opened the wound himself and was in a pinch with one death and second and third basemen. Here, No. 7 Hayato Saito’s batted ball bounced high. First baseman Takato Utsumi (Person 4, Yokohama) stepped forward and cleared the ball, but it was another bad throw to the second baseman who covered the first base. Not only did the runner on third base fail to make it in time, but they also allowed the second runner to survive, resulting in a two-run lead.

Furthermore, in the top of the 4th inning, No. 6, Taiga Kojima, hit a hit to the front left field, and while driving in No. 7, Saito, he was hit again. No. 8, Nanato Sakakibara, was hit over the shortstop’s head, allowing Kojimakawa to reach home plate from second base. They added 1 point and were now 3 points behind.

On the other hand, the batting lineup cannot capture Meiji University starter Minoru Makita. In the bottom of the first inning, Sota Imaizumi (4th law = Chukyo University Chukyo) had a hit, and in the bottom of the second inning, Tomoya Nishimura (3rd law = Chukyo University Chukyo) had a hit, but the subsequent hits were hit and they were unable to score. These were the only two hits he allowed until the fifth inning.

“I had some leeway in my at-bat,” Imaizumi said.

In the top of the 6th inning, Yasu Nakamae was allowed to hit No. 8 Sakakibara. Makita, who attempted a sacrifice hit, failed to bunt three and got one out, but he gave a walk to No. 1 hitter Yuya Horiuchi, putting him in a pinch with two outs and runners on first and second base. Meiji University’s batter here is No. 2, Taiji Iimori. Iimori’s batted ball unexpectedly went past left fielder Nishimura, resulting in a well-timed triple that added two points. The difference widened to 0-5.

In the bottom of the 6th inning, No. 1 Ren Takekawa (person 3 = Shiga Gakuen) hits a double by hitting the third base line. No. 3, Imaizumi, connected with a hit by a pitch, but Hiroshi Urawa (Kya 4 = Naruto), who was appointed as No. 4 on this day, walked. In the end, Takashi Utsumi fell to Chuhi, resulting in no points. In the 7th and 8th innings, all three players were unable to do anything to hit second baseman Yuto Kuno.

Takegawa hits a double

In the bottom of the 9th inning, right fielder Jiei Okawa was on the mound. Imaizumi, the leadoff, said, “I entered with the mindset of connecting to the batters behind me.” When a sharp ball hit the third baseman, the shortstop hurried to cover, but Imaizumi showed his determination to slide headfirst into first base and got on base. For the first time in this game, the first batter of the inning reached base, and Imaizumi immediately returned to home base with a well-timed double that beat the right-center fielder from No. 4 Ura. Although he got one point back, pinch hitter Rikuto Himeki (person 3 = Nippon University Fujisawa) struck out. Still, Nishimura hit a hit that hit the pitcher with one out and players on 1st and 3rd base. After creating a counterattack mood again, Okawa threw a wild pitch in the next at-bat of No. 7, Ayuka Matsushita (Engage 2 = Toin Gakuen). The runner on third base survived to make it 2-5. However, Matsushita struck out, and the following pinch hitter Munehiro Tadokoro (Kya 3 = Inabe Sogo) also struck out and the game ended.

The only hit came from Ura’s hit.

The result looked like a close game at 2-5, but the batting line only had five hits and two defensive lapses. It was a game with many mistakes.

(Article: Tatsuyoshi Nakayama, Photo: Ai Tomonaga)

Close-up: Yutaka Hanawa “Hodai’s bullpen ace gave up no runs in 3 innings on this day! It was also my first match against my classmates from high school.”

Yuhiro Hanawa (4th grade, Joso Gakuin) took the mound from the 7th inning on this day as well. His high school classmate, Hayato Saito, was in trouble with two outs and second base. In this match, which Hanawa was eager to play in the interview before the league match, he got out of a pinch by hitting a left fly. “I was very conscious and strained, but I’m glad I was able to control it,” he said, relieved.

In the 8th inning, two walks put him in a pinch with one out and runners on first and second base, but he forced Taiji Iimori into a grounder double play and did not allow any additional points. He continued pitching in the 9th inning, suppressing Meiji University’s proud center base Rui Soyama and Kiyuto Ueda, leading to a counterattack from behind.

This season, including this game, he pitched 11 times in 12 games. He powerfully told us the secret to surviving consecutive pitches: “Make it seem like it’s normal to pitch consecutively, and the rest is about feeling.”
Tomorrow’s game will be a decisive one, and if we lose, it will be our last in the league. Hanawa will pitch again tomorrow and lead his team to victory.
(Daisuke Yabuki)

Player interview

Captain Sota Imaizumi

-Looking back on today’s match
It’s frustrating that things didn’t go as planned, as we conceded goals due to mistakes in the early stages and were hit hard.

-It was a card where the winner disappeared.
As always, we fought with the mindset that what we needed to do was to win the match in front of us.

-You had a hit in your first at-bat.
I had some free time in my at-bat, so I was able to stick with the tough ball and foul it, and I’m glad I was able to get a hit in the end.

-There was a hit in the 9th inning as well.
I went in with the intention of connecting to the batters behind me.

– Be enthusiastic about tomorrow
We will definitely win!

Hiroshi Urawa player

-Looking back on today’s match
It’s very frustrating

-What did you want to think about before the match?
I was thinking about winning.

– There was a timely hit in the 9th inning.
Since the points were far apart, I was conscious of connecting.

-Enthusiasm for tomorrow
I’ll win and move on to the day after tomorrow.

Yuhiro Hanawa Pitcher

-Looking back on today’s match
Since it was the final card, I wanted to win two in a row, but it wasn’t easy.

-Kept the Meiji University batting lineup scoreless for 3 innings.
I think the result was good, but I always feel like there are issues with unnecessary things and small details like the four-hit ball.

-What kind of things did you have in mind?
Although we were down by 5 points, I believed that with this batting lineup we could catch up with them, so I tried to create a flow from the defense as much as possible.

-There was also a match against your high school classmate Saito.
I was very conscious and strained, but I’m glad I was able to control it.

– So far, he has pitched in 11 out of 12 league games.
His condition is always constant and he leads a stable life every day.

-Do you have any secrets to getting through consecutive pitches?
Make your body think it’s normal to pitch consecutively, and the rest is your feelings.

-Tomorrow will be a match we cannot afford to lose.Be enthusiastic
Starting tomorrow, we would like to finish with two consecutive wins and points. Please support us.

2023-10-22 00:34:20
#Hardball #BaseballTokyo #Universities #Baseball #Autumn #League #Match #Meiji #University #1st #9th #inning #Uras #timely #hits #allowed #catch #unable #catch #Lost #match #Sports #Hosei



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