Yamato Judo Boves Christmas Party: A Tradition of Celebration and Recognition

Friday 22nd, in the late afternoon, as tradition, the «Yamato Judo Boves» he invited his little girl Christmas party, on the occasion of the last lesson, before the usual break for the winter school holidays. Packed like never before, especially with friends and relatives, the gym of the “Middle Schools”, Via Don Cavallera, seemed to be packed for 7pm, with demonstrations, four “belt passings”, the last of a truly rich 2023, for the thirty or so young people enrolled in the courses, all lined up, refreshments and exchange of greetings.

Mayor Maurizio Paoletti he brought his greetings, the last of his second mandate, always applauding and recommending continuing the sporting and philosophical commitment, training for life, that the ancient oriental martial art entails. At his side he had his deputy and aspiring successor Matteo Ravera, as well as the minority municipal councilor Beppe Marro (who has a son who is a student). The prizes were awarded by maestro Gino Brachelente, an important figure in the history of the association, but also as an elf, symbol of the Traders’ recent Christmas initiatives.

2023-12-25 09:57:27
#Yamato #Judo #Boves #Christmas #party



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