A bachelor from ‘First Dates’ is not convinced that his date is a mother

Dianaan influencer from 25 years born in Russia and settled in Alicante, and Borjaa specialist in cybersecurity 30 years old and from Madrid, they are looking for love on ‘First Dates’. During her dinner, she is not convinced by the Borja’s personality and calls him “white and boring.” He seems at ease for most of the date, but when he finds out that Diana has a one-year-old son, things change. Will they give themselves a second chance?

This is Diana and Borja, singles looking for love on ‘First Dates’

Diana He is 25 years old and is an influencer. Although born in Russiahe moved to Spain at 6 years old, since her mother “wanted a change of scenery” and the young woman is more than happy in our country: “I get along very well with the people of Spain, I like Spain a lot”.

Es mother of a one year old baby and explains that right now she is dedicated to her little one, but that she has worked as a shop assistant and, especially, in social networkswhere he assures that he has a lot success And till fans They stop her on the street!: “Towards monologues y now I do more than moda, photos and clothes. I have signed autographsI have had meetings in which they gave me gifts and sometimes They started crying when they saw me”.

Diana explains to the ‘First Dates’ cameras that she is looking for a man who likes culture and, above all, who is proactive to achieve their goals: “I am looking for a smart personthat is creative, that likes to go to a museum, the cinema… That is very daring in terms of achieve your goals”.

Borja has 30 yearsis from Madrid, and is a specialist in cybersecurity. He calls himself affectionateeven “no no”, and assures that he is willing to give everything for the other person.

Borja and Diana’s first impressions in ‘First Dates’

“It’s a girl very pretty and very attractive. Es blondethat I have a eagerness for the blondes. He has a very nice way of dressing stunningwhich fills your eyes,” Borja confesses as soon as he meets Diana, his date tonight on ‘First Dates’.

Borja also makes a first impression on her: “He looks like a stylish guy by their dress. I like let it be darkand let it be a little taller than me”, he reveals to the cameras of the Cuatro program.

During their dinner on ‘First Dates’, they both share what do you do and she confesses to the cameras of the program that Borja it seems to him “a very simple person”. When she asks him if he likes to party, he admits that he is quite the homebody and she tells him that he doesn’t remember the last time he went out to party.

Borja is shown as a Quiet Personwho flees from discussions, but Diana does not convince him that is so relaxed: “To speak sometimes you need to discuss and each person show the character they have, it seems to me a very soft person”.

Diana is still not convinced for his quote in ‘First Dates’: “It’s a little bored perhaps, because he didn’t talk much about interesting topics,” he confesses to the cameras.

Borja, upon finding out that Diana is a mother: “Ah, you have a son”

It is not until Dessert time when they start talking about their families, after Borja asks his date if she lives alone or with someone. “I live with my mother and my son“, responds Diana, to which Borja responds, somewhat clipped: “Oh, you have a son”.

Diana asks him if the fact that he has a son it poses some problem and Borja tells him no, although before the ‘First Dates’ cameras he is much more sincere: “I don’t know if it would be good to be with a person who has a child with someone, that is not my own son”.

When paying, she lets herself be invited And, what’s more, he explains to the ‘First Dates’ cameras what a “gentleman” should do: “A gentleman you have to pay for your agitate and it has to conquer and court her”.

Diana and Borjacuatro.com

Diana and Borja’s final decision in ‘First Dates’

In the final decision, Diana explain what I wouldn’t have a second date for his “different points of view”. Borja is more sincere this time and recognize that he does not seem prepared to have children still: “Maybe I wouldn’t feel comfortable Having your son so small, maybe I won’t feel able to carry it well. Wanna wait a little have children”.


2024-04-05 20:40:15
#bachelor #Dates #convinced #date #mother



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