The Heartless Bureaucracy of Death: Families Left Stranded After Tragic Accidents

We have written rivers of ink about deaths at work. Tears as black as print. And he gathered the emotion of the powerful, in a waltz of words that brought together politicians, trade unionists and entrepreneurs. But at the end of the day, where the addends are lives broken by accidents often caused by carelessness if not outright carelessness, people continue to die. And, with infinite sadness, we must also learn that, behind the scenes of these tragedies, a bureaucracy also creeps in that to define as heartless towards those who remain on this earth, starting with families, is too little. And we are not just talking about the compensation provided for by the labor law which often arrives after months or even years, but about the minimum assistance to the relatives of the victims which is even denied due to the intersection between laws and taxes.

And it has the evil sound of a slap when, for example, the bank freezes the family account and leaves widows and children dependent without money for the funeral but simply to do the shopping, including bread and milk. The relatives of Pavel Tanase, the Settimo Torinese worker who died in the explosion of the Suviana power plant, experienced it first-hand, as did those of Ernesto Wong, former baseball champion and youth coach, who disappeared in the China Sea while working. on a ship. The short-sighted bureaucracy has reserved the most infamous of treatments for them. After death it erased them as people, it wiped out their resources and even the savings set aside for their families.

An automatism was enough. better logarithm insinuated on the computers of the credit institutions that now govern small-scale finance instead of employees and the current account number has been blocked. Of course, what does the legislator or whoever does for him care about Pavel, Wong or whoever leaves someone on this earth while going to the Creator? Well, someone should think about it and make what is needed for the emergency available. A fund would be enough to deal with these emergencies, just to season the emotion (often false) with a practical proposal. In short, a decree written with a bit of heart. To conclude, the heart that Pavel’s Orthodox parish and the members of the basketball team that Wong coached put into it. Enough, at least, to celebrate the funeral.

2024-04-18 07:59:44
#bank #freezes #victims #accounts.. #pays #funerals #Turin #News



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