Impressive Wins at German Judo Championships: Neil Noack Dominates with Holding Technique

Neil Noack (UJKC Potsdam – BB) wins five fights, including the final in just over a minute with a holding technique. Only in the semifinals does she need ten seconds longer than the regular fight time and win with Waza-ari.

Mathilda Sophie Niemeyer (1. Hattinger JJJC – NW) is in her teammate’s 78 kilo class Eva Ronja Buddenkotte (JC 66 Bottrop – NW) and wins after one and a half minutes with the second Waza-ari for a holding technique. Both have won all their fights very confidently up to that point and their results show that the 78 kilo class can remain Germany’s flagship class in the future.

Winning a second silver medal Jannis Bashin (Sportfreunde Kladow – BE) in the class up to 100 kg. He wins all fights up to the final with Ippon. Only there does the Azerbaijani Baghirov defeat him and he wins silver.

Fought a fifth place Noel Schmidt (UJKC Potsdam – BB). After three victories, he had to bow to the eventual winner Valerio Accogli from Italy in the semi-finals and also lost to the Azerbaijani Nusayev in the fight for bronze.

Nicolas Kutscher (JC 66 Bottrop – NW, -60 kg), Hannah Frobenius (TSV Munich Großhadern – BY, -48 kg), Tabea Mika Mecklenburg (UJKC Potsdam – BB, -52 kg) and Sara-Joy Bauer (TSG Backnang – BW, -63 kg) came seventh.

2024-04-22 09:22:24
#gold #silver #U21



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