García Pimienta, about to close his signing with Sevilla

García Pimienta, about to close his signing with Sevilla

Xavi García Pimientaafter saying goodbye to the Las Palmas Sports Union Three days before the last league match against Alavés, and the island fans in the Stadium last Sunday receiving their affection, he has already turned the page and is about to sign a contract with what would be his future. club, Sevilla FC.

The positions between the two parties are very close and yesterday They were negotiating a relationship for next season in addition to including in the contract that they sign the option to extend to a second.

However, if a successful outcome has not yet been reached, it is because both the representatives of García Pimienta, with Josep Maria Orobitga the head of the Tactic Group agency, are in the tug-of-war over the clauses that make up the Catalan’s contract.

The first obstacle that they have to overcome in the negotiation lies in the clauses that the Seville to set economic amounts in case a settlement has to occur and are stipulated for temporary periods. That is, if Pimienta is fired within the first three months, he will earn one amount and if he is fired after six, it will be a different amount.

Even so, if these clauses may raise certain doubts about the confidence that the club has in García Pimienta, which should be remembered that he would arrive in Seville with 14 days without knowing the victory after his disastrous end of the season with Las Palmas, the clauses that are negotiated in case the renewal option for one more season is activated are more optimistic on the part of the Catalan coach.

Pimienta and his agency want to agree on a series of objectives that, if met, be the team’s European classification after having been left out of continental tournaments for the next year for example, they would receive a series of financial bonuses.

Another of the aspects that are being negotiated in the absence of the signature that unites Pimienta with Sevilla lies in the terms in which the three members of the staff of his personal trust who land in the club are financially included. Sánchez-Pizjuán. Alex García and Albert Peris They go in the pack and wait to meet the third person. An issue that was already on the table last summer in the renewal with Las Palmas.

This whole process of tug-of-war is occurring after García Pimienta issued a farewell letter to the island fans yesterday through his social networks.

“A playoff, a promotion and permanence… between all of us, in two and a half years… not bad… the objectives have been met… but the connection and UNION that we have achieved between club, team and fans is really the key to everything , of the present, but above all of the FUTURE. I am overwhelmed by the love received. This island, these people and these fans… you are truly EXTRAORDINARY… I will be eternally grateful… I want to THANK each and every one of the players who have formed me. part of this team during the three seasons, and all the people who during this time have been part of the staff, board of directors, sports management, medical services, legal department, communication, kitchen, security, cleaning, travel, gardening, maintenance… all PROFESSIONALS incredible. I leave, with a heavy heart, but convinced that it is the best decision for everyone. I am no longer the coach of Unión Deportiva Las Palmas, but my status as CANARION will be eternal. I hope our paths meet again. Thank you, UD Las Palmas. Thank you, Gran Canaria.”

Arrasate is already in Mallorca

Jagoba Arrasate is enjoying a few days of relaxation in Mallorca. After finishing the season with Osasuna, being fired with honors after six seasons at the helm of the rojillo team, the future RCD Mallorca coach is alongside Bittor Alkiza, his second on the bench, and goalkeeping coach Ricardo Sanzol, among others, on vacation on the Balearic island. The Basque coach, who is in the Sóller area, is expected to be presented today as the new Vermilion coach and return to Vitoria tomorrow with the contract already sealed. He would be the second signing on the Spanish bench after the agreement reached by Vicente Moreno with Osasuna to replace Jagoba Arrasate. All this, waiting for García Pimienta to become the third movement with his arrival in Seville. | D. R.

2024-05-30 07:00:45
#García #Pimienta #close #signing #Sevilla


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