General Figliuolo Honored with Black Belt at FIJLKAM Olympic Center

In the past few days, Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, General at the head of the Joint Operations Command of the Italian Defence General Staff (formerly Extraordinary Commissioner for the implementation and coordination of measures to contain and combat the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency and for the execution of the national vaccination campaign), was visiting the FIJLKAM Olympic Center (Italian Federation of Judo, Wrestling, Karate, Martial Arts).

During the informal ceremony, in the gym, in the presence of the Olympic team, General Figliuolo, a native of Lucania, received the honorary black belt from the hands of the Azzurri Odette Giuffrida and Manuel Lombardo.

It was an opportunity to wish the best of luck to the athletes leaving for Paris, to whom he stressed that Without sacrifice and loyalty, great goals cannot be achieved.

General Figliuolo, who moved the his first steps in the world of judo right in Basilicata, in Potenza, He stressed that the values ​​and discipline he received from this sport have been fundamental in all stages of life, and also in his success and career.

Also present upon delivery the National President of Fijlkam, Domenico Falcone, the National President of the Judo Sector, Col. Giuseppe Matera, the General Secretary Massimiliano Benucci and several federal Coaches.

Furthermore, for the occasion, a representative group of FIJLKAM Basilicata was also present: the Regional President Giuseppe Attico, the Regional Vice President of the Judo Sector Raffaele Lopardo, the masters Pietro Amendola and Eschilo Palmieri, the latter a friend and gym companion of Gen. Figliuolo, as well as promoter of the initiative.

General Figliuolo is just one of the many examples of Lucanian excellences that have been formed in our Federation, acquiring principles and values, and then have expressed themselves and realized in different social spheres, which give prestige to our region. Moments like these are fundamental to underline the importance of sport that if practiced from a young age, forms character and allows to achieve important results”, Attico stressed.

2024-07-18 14:44:18
#Honorary #Black #Belt #Lucanian #General #Figliuolo #Details



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