the police are looking for the person responsible

the police are looking for the person responsible

A fast food restaurant in via Neghelli in Latina was targeted by a man armed with a bar, similar to a baseball bat, who destroyed the glass of the restaurant’s counter. The attack occurred around one o’clock, at a time when the area was emptying after the usual evening crowds. The attacker, still unidentified, carried out the act of vandalism before quickly leaving the scene.

Second episode in two days

The fast food manager, of Turkish origin, reported that this is not the first episode of this type. Only the previous evening, the same place had suffered another attack, less violent but equally worrying. The police, who intervened on the spot, immediately started investigations to verify whether the two attacks could be connected to each other.

Owner’s statements

Shocked by what happened, the owner of the fast food restaurant said he does not know the identity of the man responsible for the attack. However, he hypothesized that it could have been an Italian, even if his limited knowledge of the language did not allow him to provide more precise details. In the meantime, the police are trying to obtain information through the images of any surveillance cameras present in the area to trace the identity of the attacker.

Hypothesis of intimidation or revenge

Investigators have not ruled out any hypotheses, including that of possible intimidation or personal revenge. However, at the moment, there are no clear elements that can shed light on the motive for these acts of violence. The police are continuing with their investigations to identify the culprit and put an end to this worrying situation.



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