Faster and direct ways to contact the city of Mascouche

Faster and direct ways to contact the city of Mascouche

Citizen services

The City of Mascouche is adding chat and 311 services to allow citizens to obtain answers to their requests more quickly.

Citizens of Mascouche will now have faster and direct access to municipal services thanks to the addition of the 311 line as well as a chat service.

With this number that is easy to remember and quick to dial, Mascouchois who wish to ask a question, make a request, report a problem or even give their opinion on a service will only have to dial 311 on their phone. This service only works if the person is physically in Mascouche, otherwise they must dial 450-474-4133.

« [Mascouche] thus positions itself as the first municipality in the northern crown of Montreal to offer the 311 service to its population,” the City announced in a press release.

The City therefore undertakes to process citizens’ various requests within less than 48 working hours.

“The dedication of the municipal administration testifies to our collective pride in serving the people of Mascouchoises well, ensuring that we meet their expectations and support them at every stage. My team and I are proud of the progress and the elements put in place to support the population,” underlined Mayor Guillaume Tremblay.

Faster written requests

In addition to the addition of the 311 line, a chat service available on the municipality’s website ( will allow people to communicate with the Citizen’s Office during opening hours in order to have rapid responses to their questions. questions.

“With these initiatives, we reaffirm our commitment to offering a unique citizen experience that focuses on simplicity, user-friendliness and efficiency. We are continuing our innovation efforts in order to offer solutions that meet the needs of our population,” added the Director General of the City of Mascouche, Jasmin Savard.



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