A new armory for archers

A new armory for archers

It was a very special evening at the Company of Guérétois Archers! There were a few shooters training but that wasn’t the main thing, it was the inauguration of the armory.

“We went from 4 m 2 at 10.5 m 2 thanks to the work carried out by the municipality,” rejoiced President Frédéric Prigent. “This will allow us to install a small workshop which we will use to repair and adjust the arches and we now have a more interesting storage area.”

With 50 members (30 in leisure and 20 in competition), the club is doing well and is seeing its numbers increase: “This is undoubtedly due to the Olympics effect and our participation in Forêt Follies. Movies like Rebel the or Hunger Games gave us good publicity, especially among young girls.”

There was also a presentation of arrows, this is how deserving archers are rewarded: “An arrow pass is an internal evaluation. You must obtain at least 280 points out of the 360 ​​possible. The first arrow is white and then we follow the colors of the target, black, blue, red and yellow. We start at 10 meters and move back 5 meters with each color change to reach 30 meters for yellow. We also presented a silver arrow to Coréline Nessi who shot from 60 meters and who returned from the French championships in Beursault with a good tenth place.”

The good news continues for the Company since discussions with the municipality are very advanced in order to benefit from an outdoor field which would contribute to the development of the club and allow team matches to be played. The objective of this season is to obtain qualifications for the regional championships and why not for France.

For people who want to take up archery, simply go to the Grancher gymnasium on Monday or Wednesday, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., or Friday, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Equipment can be loaned.



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