New self-help group: people who find new courage to face life after a serious accident

New self-help group: people who find new courage to face life after a serious accident

Suddenly and unexpectedly, life can change fundamentally from one moment to the next. A serious accident often brings with it major challenges that can be overwhelming, both physically and mentally.

The new discussion group “PHOENIX” is aimed at people who have suffered such a stroke of fate Orientation, support and new perspectives seek.

The group offers a safe space for Confidential discussions, exchange of experiences and practical assistancehow life can be mastered despite new restrictions. The aim is to ignite the courage and motivation together, to look forward and to discover the diverse possibilities that life still offers, even after a serious accident.

“PHOENIX” stands for new beginnings, getting up and moving on instead of giving up. The group wants to help those affected to rediscover their personal strength and take new paths.

Those interested can contact Mülheim self-help office by phone on 0208 300 48 14 or by email [email protected] report.

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