A teacher from Salta was convicted of simple sexual abuse

A teacher from Salta was convicted of simple sexual abuse

In Room II of the Tartagal Trial Court it was ruled that teacher Jorge Moya, 45, must serve a four-year effective prison sentence for being the perpetrator of the crime of simple sexual abuse aggravated by his quality as an educator. He was acquitted for the benefit of the doubt in the same crime but with carnal access.

After the allegations, the criminal prosecutor, Lorena Martínez, requested a sentence of 8 years, while the complainant, Dr. Sandra Domene, requested 10, while the technical defense of the accused considered that said crime was not proven with a degree of certainty, thus which asked for outright absolution, failing that for the benefit of the doubt.

The case began on Tuesday and ended yesterday, except for the articles in the newspaper El Tribuno, which date back to 2022, where the teacher’s perversity began to be revealed inside and outside a classroom, little was known about the aberrant event. In this context, the case had twists and turns that led to scandal, at some point the file was lost.

It was reported in 2018

The complaint was made in 2018 and throughout that time the accused continued to work, although he was transferred from the classroom to an administrative area, he continued to be in contact with minors. Reproaches, among others, that since the complaint were made permanently.

Despite so many irregularities, justice tried Jorge Moya, who abused a 16-year-old minor. According to the file, for months he maintained a relationship with the victim, when the young woman was attending Technical School No. 3120 in Aguaray, where the teacher taught.

According to the woman – currently of legal age – the subject made her stay after hours, he waited for everyone to leave so he could start groping her. She also said that on several occasions he took her from the educational establishment, in Aguaray, to a hotel accommodation in Tartagal, where according to the victim he ended up raping her.

Sexual abuse with carnal access

The latter crime was not considered by the court that decided to acquit him through the principle of indubio pro reo. Resolution that the lawyer Domene will appeal in the cassation instance, considering that the acquittal for the crime of sexual abuse with carnal access aggravated by being a person responsible for education is of significant gravity.

Moya was transferred to the Aguaray Police Station where he will wait until the sentence is final and then continue serving his sentence in a home, given that he received the benefit for having a child with a disability in his care.



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