the deaths of these two volunteers mourn an entire club

the deaths of these two volunteers mourn an entire club

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In a few weeks, the Hawks Baseball of La Guerche-de-Bretagne (Ille-et-Vilaine) has lost two “pillars” of its association.

Freddy Racin42, died of cancer in September. He was the father of two children.

Jean-Yves Marsollierhe died at the age of 81. Both were kingpins of the club for many years.

Freddy, the man of “sharing and challenges”

Freddy Racin was a player, coach and parent of a player. He started playing baseball at the age of 9. “It was the beginning of the 90s, in the early years of the club,” explains Bruno Pasquer, president of Hawks Baseball.

Very quickly, he distinguished himself on the pitch. “He was talented. He was in the French 12U and 15U team,” recalls Bruno Pasquer.

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It is its golden generation which takes the Elite team. A 3rd base player, he played at the “high level” for 10 years.

After a break from the field, Freddy Racin returns as youth coach this time. This is when his son started in this sport.

And it’s not at La Guerche, but at Châteaugiron. A section of the Hawks that Freddy Racin will help put together. “We took advantage of his experience and his sporting knowledge,” adds Bruno Pasquer.

Freddy Racin. ©Photo sent to Journal de Vitré

The president of the association remembers a volunteer with a “spirit of sharing” and a man of “challenges”. He was one of those who organized the trip to the USA in July 2023 by setting up several actions to raise funds.

Young graduates were able to fly to the United States to live their American dream for two weeks. “He easily took people with him. He reassured and inspired,” continues Bruno Pasquer. Unfortunately, this trip took place without him due to illness.

“Freddy was a leader and we were all shaken by his death,” regrets the president of the association. On the club’s Facebook page, a beautiful tribute was paid to him. We can notably read that the volunteer “reflected the soul of the Hawks”.

The tribute will continue Saturday October 19 at 3:30 p.m. at Hawks stadium.

The former glories will play against the current team. A jackpot will be made available for the benefit of the association Step by step which helps to improve the daily lives of patients and families by palliative care.

Jean-Yves Marsollier had “a heart of solid gold”

While the club was mourning the death of Freddy Racin, the association sadly learned a few weeks later of the death of Jean-Yves Marsollier.

This man with “strong character” had been a volunteer since over twenty years within Hawks Baseball. “He had a heart of solid gold,” comments Bruno Pasquer.

Jean-Yves Marsollier gave “a lot of his time”. Arriving at the club via his two grandsons, he “often made jokes”, recalls the president of the association.

“Volunteer and available”, he helped develop the refreshment bar which became a “real place to live”.

Jean-Yves Marsollier Hawks Baseball La Guerche
Jean-Yves Marsollier. ©Photo sent to Journal de Vitré

For the president, Jean-Yves Marsollier was looking above all for “conviviality”. The retiree had taken his wife on board with the volunteering adventure. We also found his daughter and son-in-law.

“He liked to take responsibility and didn’t count his hours. He was always ready to go miles to help out and be of service. »

On the club’s Facebook page, Hawks Baseball also paid tribute to him.

“We will deeply miss his commitment, his kindness and his smile. Jean-Yves leaves behind not only an immense void, but also a lasting legacy of solidarity and generosity within our sports association. Thank you, Jean-Yves, for everything you have done. You remain forever in our memories,” we can read.

His funeral will take place at the basilica of La Guerche-de-Bretagne on Monday October 21 at 11 a.m.

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