“We will recover all our debts.” Accounting on the hunt for debtors

“We will recover all our debts.” Accounting on the hunt for debtors

In Pesaro there are 100 sports clubs, from the largest such as Vis and Vuelle to the smallest ones such as a bowling club, which are in debt to the Municipality. Electricity bills, annual fees, hours of gym use, rent, cleaning, maintenance. Many pay regularly, many others do not. For years. The Municipality tolerates but does not seem to forget those who have to give. Let’s talk about Vis Pesaro for example, which only last May took over the gas and electricity utilities of the stadium in its name while the agreement with the Municipality, dating back to 2017/18, and renewed annually, certified that the utilities had to be paid from then on by the manager. Instead, they remained in the name of the Municipality until 2024. But in the meantime, the various Vis managements made improvements to the field or faced other types of expenses that would have fallen to the Municipality which, in order to do so first, the company took care of directly. This is a give and take that must be accounted for. But for the sports councilor Mila della Dora the calculations will all add up to the cent: “I have been a football referee for 22 years and I know the rules of the game. Whoever has rented, granted or managed a public good must honor his financial commitments. Having relationships and agreements with a hundred sports clubs, it is never easy to have the same type of response every month. For this reason, I thank our offices for the work they are doing in recovering previous and future debts obviously to future ones.” Councilor Della Dora adds: “To encourage clarity in the economic relations between the Municipality and sports clubs, we will now send the cost of bills and everything else monthly. Previously we did it every six months or annually. However, this left the field open to a accumulation of debt which was always difficult to pay in a short time. By splitting up the instalments, it will be easier for small companies to face the expenses.” On the methods that the Municipality will adopt to recover the debts whose amount is not clear but is tens of thousands of euros, councilor Della Dora explains: “First we will send reminder letters, then we will propose repayment plans and subsequently, in the event of a lack of positive response, we will forward everything to Aspes for the recovery of the sums owed. We will be very attentive to everything that the sports club has contributed with its own expenses for the improvement of the facility or gym it uses in this way it is certain that the municipal administration will have an exact accounting of what it will have to collect compared to the expenses faced by the companies. It is certain that the uncollected debts will be requested from the debtor companies that have contracted the debt with us rights, but sports clubs cannot forget the duties they are required to respect”.

Roberto Damiani



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