Queer animals – Mülheim an der Ruhr

Queer animals – Mülheim an der Ruhr

At first I didn’t want to, but then the real thing broke out in me. And after a few spoonfuls of fennel apple soup, I actually did it. Typed in the eagle search system, a text about queer animals. I had seen the picture of two male bonobos hugging, how nice, and then read in the article below: they are mating. So not in the picture now, but somewhere already.
Chinstrap penguins or orcas, bison or albatrosses but also insects, you don’t see it at first glance, but you can research things like that! After reading this report, I got the impression that queerness in nature is the rule rather than the exception.
When you close your astonished mouth again, the logical question naturally arises as to how nature could survive in this way.
When it comes to albatrosses, it is clear that a female mates with a male, has an egg fertilized, but she and her partner do the rest of the offspring care. Compulsory and freestyle, but with two different partners.
Almost all of the researchers are female researchers who are also queer themselves.
But be careful with your finger now! There have always been researchers who were very interested in the slightly different sexual behavior of certain animals. Shortly before his death, our great Darwin was studying barnacles, also known as barnacles. These animals have the longest penis in the world in relation to their body size. It’s so big that it independently searches the area for sex opportunities. They are also hermaphrodites. This means that they can not only fertilize their neighbors and be fertilized by them, but also by themselves. Can’t be more diverse? – Not everything has been explored yet. I’ll stay tuned.

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