Karate: federal exams also for 22 Apulians

Karate: federal exams also for 22 Apulians


Below is the press release:

The exams for the advancement of black belts from 4th to 6th dan were held in Rome, at the National Olympic Center of the Italian Judo Wrestling and Karate Federation.

There were 22 people from Puglia who took and passed the exams: 14 for the 4th dan (out of 147 registered from all over Italy), 6 for the 5th dan (out of 93) and 2 for the 6th dan (out of 47) .

Master Marco Romanazzi, Sports Director of our Regional Technical Center, was called to the examination commission for the first time, the only Apulian to enter the sancta sanctorum of national karate, who for three days was in direct contact with the top karate experts national and global.

«For me it was a great experience to be among the examiners of these colleagues alongside such qualified people – said Romanazzi – in addition to meeting the managers of Fiamme Oro and Fiamme Gialle, I also had the opportunity to follow the training sessions of the senior national team of karate, kata specialty. I must say that live they have truly impressive power and speed of execution. It is no coincidence that Italians are always among the best in the world.”

Viviana and Vincenzo Di Bello, from Foggia, showed up for the exams for the 5th dan on the tatami. Father and daughter, who took the test together.

The “dan” in karate represents the level of knowledge reached by the practitioner in this martial art. The first three levels are taken in the region to which they belong before a commission delegated by the National Federation while the subsequent exams are taken in Rome under the direct control of the national Fijlkam and the supervision of the WKF, the World Karate Federation. The 4th Dan – Kuro obi Yodan: is the dan of the “technical experts”. You can access the exam for this Dan at least 5 years after having passed the exams for the 3rd Dan. It defines itself Key the Karateka who reaches the 5th and 6th Dan. He is usually over 40 years old, because these Dans require not only martial art experience, but also and above all life experience. Furthermore, these Dan are also called renshi because they indicate the mature Karateka also in the spiritual part. This is why at the kodansha level Karateka are considered Masters.

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