Basketball, important victory for Ditar Smile Basket Benevento against Maddaloni

Basketball, important victory for Ditar Smile Basket Benevento against Maddaloni

An important victory last night for the boys coached by coach Iarriccio on the Olympia Maddaloni field with the final score of 43-63.

Game led from the first minute of the game in which the yellow-blue team immediately set the tone without ever taking their foot off the accelerator, closing the first quarter ahead by 13 points with a score of 23-10. The second quarter opened with a 4-0 partial in favor of the local team, but the experience and the excellent management of possessions in attack and, above all, a very attentive defense meant that the team went to rest on 19-35. The third quarter opened with a significant extension from Ditar Benevento who even reached a lead of 24 points.

A bit of tiredness and, perhaps, also a bit of conviction of having already won the match, characterized the fourth and final period of the match which was played subdued with the achievement of only 7 points on the scoresheet, ensuring that the ‘Olympia Maddaloni could return to within 13 points in the middle of the quarter. But, once again, great pride and, above all, the desire to bring home the two points at all costs, determined the Benevento team to make one last effort and conquer Maddaloni’s pitch.

“I expected a strong reaction from the boys – commented coach Iarriccio – after last week’s stop and I must admit that we played – at least compared to the previous match – a much more physical match in which, in key moments, we were good to manage possessions in attack but, above all, to be united and compact in the defensive phase, for which I had asked for greater attention and determination. The only discordant note is, perhaps, the last quarter of the game in which we let go a bit, a situation which also needs to be improved.

Probably – indeed, certainly – we are not yet in the best condition and this influenced us not to be one hundred percent cynical in the last fraction. This is the path we have to take if we want to raise our level of play, but I have some exceptional boys who have made themselves completely available to the cause and I am sure that, by improving our physical condition, we could express a concrete game in a few weeks and , I hope, also funny.”

Olympia Maddaloni 43
Ditar Smile Bn 63
Partial scores 23-10; 12-9; 21-14; 7-10.

Scoreboards: Cavuoto 14 (8 returns), Morgillo 13 (10 returns) Servidei 10 (9 returns), Manganiello 12, Lombardi 10, Scocca 2, Varricchio 2, Cuozzo, D’Angelo, Ricciardi.
All.: P. Iarriccio



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