The forceful response of Club Europa to Vox after the controversy of the “bearded players”: “Against fascism…”

The forceful response of Club Europa to Vox after the controversy of the “bearded players”: “Against fascism…”

Women’s sport has once again been at the center of controversy in recent hours after the victory of a team with “two players with beards.” This time, the debate came after Terrassa lost against Europa B by 1-3. The presence of two transsexual players in the subsidiary of the team from the Barcelona neighborhood of Gracia has caused a monumental mess. These are Álex and Nil, who compete with women despite having masculine attributes in their physique. The most striking, the beard. They were born as women but are in the process of transitioning to change sex. Their appearance is already masculine, but since they appear as women on their ID, they continue to play as such.

However, after the defeat, the supposed physical superiority of these two players has angered users and fans. As explained by a user on social networks, the Europa Femenino B team, which faced Terrassa FC last Saturday, It has two “unstoppable” players. “It will be difficult to find players with more power and speed in the entire women’s preferred category,” he says ironically.

The Vox attack

Alicia Tomás, spokesperson for the VOX municipal group in Terrassa, has denounced the situation that the Terrassa FC women’s team had to experience. Tomás harshly criticized the participation of “two guys with beards” in women’s competitions, calling the situation unfair and harmful to female athletes. In his tweet, Tomás expressed that after decades of fighting to achieve equality and visibility in women’s sports, these achievements are now at risk due to the “perverse gender ideology”, which allows trans men to compete in sports intended for women. , which she considers a threat to the fairness and integrity of competitions. Tomás concluded his post with a harsh criticism of the authorities responsible for allowing this situation, stating that “they rule us sick.”

“Not a step back!”

A message to which Europe has not been slow to react forcefully. “Given the violence exerted on two of the players of the women’s reserve team, from Club Esportiu Europa we say No to transphobic and LGTIphobic violence and any type of violence,” begins the statement published on its social networks.

“Our club throughout its centenary history has stood out for the values ​​of sportsmanship, fair play and compliance with current sports regulations. It also works and fights for the right of all people to live lives free of all types of violence. Lives that deserve to be lived. Fighting hate crimes and transphobic violence is a collective duty that challenges the entire society. Therefore, we reiterate and say very loudly that we remain firm. Against aggression and fascism, we say ‘not one step back,'” they say.

It is not the first time that the Barcelona Club Esportiu Europa has been involved in a controversy of this type. Something similar already happened when they achieved a striking 23-0 win in their match against Pujadas at the Nou Sardenya stadium in 2022.

The matter went viral after a message from Europa on social networks at half-time of the match. At that moment, the team was already winning 10-0 and this text was accompanied by a photo of Álex Alcalde shooting on goal. The publication did not go unnoticed and the club had to come forward to defend its “player” from transphobic attacks.



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