School closures threaten association life – so a fight must be made

School closures threaten association life – so a fight must be made

22 October 2024

School closing or not! Association life in Grønbjerg-Langelund continues to push the buttons. Thus, GLIF Badminton now invites to a local training meeting on 26 October in Elkjærhallen with the participation of 7 clubs.

By Jim Hoff – [email protected]

THE GOOD ASSOCIATION LIFE: On Saturday 26 October, it really gets going in Elkjærhallen in Grønbjerg. On this day, the local badminton club GLIF Badminton is holding a training meeting with the participation of a total of 7 clubs from the local area.

It is Gadbjerg, Thyregod, Ringive-Lindeballe, Nørup, Give, Øster Nykirke and the host club itself that provide players for the event.

– We do it in such a way that you don’t play in groups divided by age and gender. You are put together according to level, and it is then the registering clubs who, for example, have to categorize players into the categories unpracticed, lightly practiced and unpracticed. An email has been sent out to the respective clubs, and it is Ib Jessing from GLIF Badminton who is responsible for match planning, says Flemming Alexandersen from GLIF Badminton.

Potential school closures threaten the existence of associational life

People are very aware in the local association life that they keep the momentum and continue to show the flag here on the back of the announcement from Vejle Municipality‘s Children and Family Committee that they have recommended to the city council that Elkjærskolen’s general section should close due to strong decline pupil numbers in the general section.

A school closure could potentially mean that the local association life will find it very difficult to continue to recruit local children and young people to the association life, when they have now disappeared from school and have found new school pastures in Give.

That’s why the flags in Grønbjerg-Langelund Sports Association and the smokers’ sleeves are raised extra high, and the initiative with the local badminton meet is a good example of this.

Also in DGI’s team tournament

The very day after the local featherweights have been in the fire at the training meeting, they have to fight again the following day – also in Elkjærhallen. Here, GLIF is registered for the DGI/Badminton Denmark team tournament, and here GLIF has teamed up with Gadbjerg Badminton Club, which therefore fields a joint team.

-Here we meet teams from Ølgod, Lindved and Skanderborg from 9.00 in the morning. It is Rune Bjerremand from Gadbjerg Badminton Club who is the rope holder for the two local teams. So two days in a row of going at it in Elkjærhallen – it’s something we’re really looking forward to, and we hope that many people will come to the hall both days, says the seasoned badminton enthusiast, ready for battle.

Flemming Alexandersen from GLIF Badminton talks here about two badminton tournaments in Elkjærhallen spread over Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 October, Photo: Jim Hoff



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