The road to the finals of the Evita National Sports Games

The road to the finals of the Evita National Sports Games

The countdown to the national finals that will be held in Mar del Plata from November 4 to 9 is already underway. And in each of the provinces, moments of exciting definitions were experienced in recent days to define the qualifiers who will be part of the great celebration of Argentine sports.

Catamarca finalizes details after having defined its representatives in beach volleyball where in the women’s branch the team from San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca beat Tinogasta in the final (2-0) while in the men’s field it was also a triumph for the team from the capital against La Paz (2-0). Meanwhile, the two Pomán teams won their ticket in beach handball; while Andalgalá (men) and Valle Viejo (women) will be the representatives in field hockey.

The Río Negro team will arrive in Mar del Plata after an intense selection process and with the decision that the best 360 athletes from different parts of the province will be in La Feliz. “There is great enthusiasm among those classified and we want them to live the unique experience of sharing with kids from all over the country,” indicated the local sports secretary.

In Misiones, the urban sports qualifiers were defined in the finals of the Missionary Games and the winners of the tickets to Mar del Plata were: Ignacio Senger (BMX Freestyle), Ruth Feldick and Santiago Bareiro (Skate) and Benjamín Bogado (Freestyle ).

In the last few hours, the province of Santa Cruz defined the judo team that will have athletes from El Calafate, Caleta Olivia and Las Heras with a selection held at the local CePARD. Martina Serra Vargas, Ana Paula de Lima, Priscilla Pasos, Melody González, Bautista Viton, Mateo Barragán, Luca Reyes and Juan José Sarmiento were chosen.

The province of Neuquén also confirmed its presence and celebrated the event. In this sense, the Secretary of Sports and Youth, María Fernanda Villone, highlighted the decision to accompany the new edition of the Evita National Sports Games because “the provincial state considers that these types of competitions are very important for our children” and that they will attend to Mar del Plata “with great enthusiasm.”

San Juan also held different selections on October 14 and 15 where the field hockey competition was held on the field of the National University of San Juan, with the Piuquenes team as the winner and UDAP second. Meanwhile, in the local Lawn Tennis Francisco de la Torre and Luana González were the best in both branches. The men’s volleyball finals were also held where Obras became champion in the Banco Hispano.

In Esquel, the Chubut Deportes team added to its qualifiers in urban sports and archery with a selective that included the participation of young people from cities such as Comodoro Rivadavia, Puerto Madryn, Puerto Pirámides, Rawson, Lago Puelo and Trevelin. Lucas Rizzo in BMX, Amalia Calfú, Milan Calero and Mateo Aguilar, in Skate; and in Archery: Olivia Campos and Santiago Ibañez.



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